Bread Thread

But I am a witch so its all good :slight_smile: . I am a practicing Pagan in a house with a bible thumping sister… Its a pain :slight_smile:

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Have a good night brave warriors.

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def sounds like a rough situation.
Good to see more people expanding the lost traditions. They should still be with us today but nooooooo cant have fun with crusaders around >.>

gnight gnight!

Thumbs up for Sourdough… especially toasted… OMG YUM…

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Bread should be popular on this forum, it goes so well with cheese and whine…

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I do like sourdough.

But for day-to-day, I recently switched to low-carb bread. The Kroger in-store brand at my local supermarket is 30 calories and 9g carbs per slice. Compared to 100+ calories and 20+g carbs for a regular slice of wheat bread.

Since I have diabetes, this has been huge, since I’ve been able to cut that portion of my insulin allowance in half. And better for my waistline, too.

And it tastes terrific. I’ve had some horrible “healthy” breads that was like eating stone. But this stuff is great.

My favorite bread? Krispy Kremes!

Seeking ergot?

Bread mold is actually fascinating. Rhizopus, Penicillium , etc.

My great grandparents ate it with stinky cheese and my great grandfather loved raw onions with it too!

Yeah it was years and years of pain and other unmentionable things. I was lucky that I had docs who were aware and willing to test. It was back in 2007 or so. The current diet trends honestly make my life much easier! I can get GOOD pasta now that is gluten free, etc. For all of us who have medical issues the labels and availability of quality foods is great. Even if it is due to a diet trend.


are you saying im not? ALSO I LOVE SNAIL.

You’re a female belf so you’re all good :+1:

that’s not bread.

Looks like bread, it’s made of dough, close enough.

I just buy wonder bread

na na na but… Those salem boys must have had a KILLER trip

Heckin yes! I aint no smart guy but i do love the strange nature of mold and fungi.

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Irish blaa buns, or at least the cafeteria version of it I had in grade school

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my mouth is dry just by looking at it.

Slime mold!

Not a fungi, not an animal, just super interesting!

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its the next step of evolution and a future allied race!!

We play a blobs that consume things!!!

Hah. I honestly love the Necrolord stuff. Finally doing the quest line and such. The covenant is kind of gross, but kind of cool.

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dude theres a thing as a skinner you can skin in maldraxus. its essentially a big mound of flesh. makes me scream and cringe on the inside each time i skin it.