Bread Thread

Yep. I know those and skin them on my druid alt. Again…that zone is gross and fascinating at the same time.

Back to bread, there are fantastic breads that don’t involve fungus at all! Flat breads (of all sorts) are delicious and so versatile. Several cultures have them and the cuisine associated is delicious!

would it be apt to call a tortia a flat bread?

If you mean tortilla, yes that is a flat bread. Flat breads are defined as unleavened breads that have no rising agent.

As someone who has a gluten issue flat breads are something that causes less impact on me medically. To get a good rise you need wheat gluten which forms a stretchy protein matrix that the air bubbles from rising agents use.

Noms for Naan!!! I adore it in moderation esp with a good curry. Also good with a yogurt dip or as a base for a quick flatbread pizza.

sourdough rye and challah

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Here you go.

I gave up gluten many years ago because it was making me very ill, but only recently realized I am also intolerant to other grains.

I can’t make loaf-type breads, but I make things like brownies, cookies, small rolls, and flatbreads using a mixture of 1/2 c tapioca starch, 1/2 cup bean flour, 1 tablespoon psyllium husk powder. It rolls out nicely, makes a pizza crust that is indistinguishable from that made with wheat flour.

I made a cheese-stuffed flatbread tonight.

Does pizza count as bread ? I make pizza dough the same as bread dough.

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Notes taken. I have several gluten free cookbooks but they are rather dated before the current trends took off. I don’t do sweets really so that is easy

Funny, but I find that when you have to medically pay for eating bread/wheat products, you realize that so many pre-made things are not good. They taste like foam rubber.

A light bodied alpine loaf with lots of seeds.

Hokkaido milk bread is the tea

Pumpernickel is oh so delicious.

My daughter likes to tell ppl they’re a piece of bread as an insult too :woman_shrugging::laughing:

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I like Hawaiian rolls, have a sweet tooth~

:doughnut: :doughnut: :doughnut:

ETA: I had no idea donuts and croissants were considered bread. I thought they were pastries :woman_shrugging:.

I love Sourdough; I make two huge loaves a week for my Family. I have three starters, one from Alaska, 1920, one from Scotland, 1971, and one I made a couple of months ago. (My Aussie Starter.)

This is the loaf I made on Sunday; How it began…

How it ended…

It’s delicious!

So, yes, OP, I agree with you, Sourdough is my favourite bread too!


I eat it every day; it’s salty and savoury, and mixed lightly with thick, melting butter on a good sourdough slice of toast it’s perfect.

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Cheesy bread!

Overrated. They are decent but its not like going to white castle or in & out burger.

It has to be Olive Garden’s breadsticks. :baguette_bread::baguette_bread::baguette_bread::baguette_bread:

Well duh, Donuts aren’t the same as burgers

That’s great. Any time people can get what they need no matter the reason is great. I’m lucky to not suffer from the condition but people I cook for don’t want gluten in their diet so I have to eat it. I wish I didn’t for the sole reason of I don’t need it I would rather see someone like you get it

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Jalapeno cheese bread and sourdough as a close 2nd.