Bread Thread

Well if its moldy it’s rotten :slight_smile: but I feed that to the birds

Isn’t that how the movie Birds.… Started out? Poor things deserve better<3

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It is an acquired taste, just imagine a stronger more tangier version of Marmite.

Just don’t eat it on its own :slight_smile:


I’ve been told you have to spread it very thin or else it’s just overpowering.


My aussie friend says it is


Is it? it’s been so long since i watched that


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I have also never had marmite.

I heard some folks tell me it was kind of bitter but I like bitter things!

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but what about the movie birddemic?

never even heard of that one.

Rye bread!

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Pretty please don’t feed birds mold and bread. Bread is not decent nutrition and the mold can harm them. They need whole grains free from contaminants.

On topic. Sourdough, rye, pumpernickel!

Sadface…I have a legit gluten issue as determined by really horrible testing for years. I can eat it without dying, but I will pay for it so try to only eat gluten products that are really worth it.

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look it up on youtube. its so bad its funny.

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How many bread alts do you have! :scream:

i have a lot of bread. :upside_down_face:


feed it to me instead!!!
Old fashion psychedelic’s right there

I know this. I don’t feed anything that’s moldy to anyone…well maybe a sibling :slight_smile: (just kidding). It’s late and I have a damaged achilies tendon and its been sore as heck today so I took a couple extra pain meds and was just trying to be funny sorry

You are the first person I have met that has had the gluten issue proven with a test. I know there is the issue with it. I have friends that say i’m alergic to it then eat the heck out of things. And I know it can be painful for you. Be careful

Pumpernickel…bleh, I never ever liked that. My mom loved it

I will have to write down the name

that sibling willprobably accuse you of being a witch soon. b warned.


I don’t know what the bread is called. It was introduced to me by an angel on Earth. I would eat this bread on its own without any changes every day if I could.