Brawl: Packed House

This is one of the best most fun and fastest maps there is.
Please make this map permanent.


I did this brawl the other day, not gonna lie I completely agree with you. It was nice and face paced (would be cool if there was a rated version of it).


yeah i had fun with this one too!


I wonder what melee dps and healers think about it.


Agreed, I’ve suggested this before…

New 15-man bg: Packed House
New 40-man bg: Southshore vs Tarren Mill


I love healing this brawl, only complaint is when people los when I’m trying to heal them.

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I just wish the queues weren’t so long. Can normally just merc mode for fast queues, but it’s 10+ minutes for both factions. Are there really that few people queuing up for this thing?


Haven’t healed it, but melee is pretty fun when everyone stops hiding behind pillars. Though I am a DK and can force people to stop hiding, so that might bias me a bit.

Healer here I like it

I love it. I just do disco and because it’s like a 3 minute thing I can keep the entire team in some sort of CD uber shield and watch my TD procs push me to the top of the DPS charts as a healer…

What are TD procs?

TD = short for Twilight Devastation

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You guys have been spending too much time with N’Zoth and it shows.


I 2nd this. Make it perma and in BG rotation and make a rated version of it


Unlike your typical Random BG where you can have as low as 1 healer for both teams, Packed Brawl is a forced 3 healers, which can lead to long queues. Then you have the fact that the rewards act like an arena match and not a BG, so there’s no reason to requeue for multiple games outside of enjoyment.

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Well you completely forget the strategy that wins the game, and that’s not running out into the middle and rock em sockem roboting unless your group can win that sort of thing.

Best thing to do based on the gear and group make up is to either give up, determine on how and when to push in and use guys like you to pull healers into ownage range :slight_smile:

It needs a longer prematch period I’ve yet to see a team with 15 players and it’s not uncommon to be down 5 players in the beginning

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It’s pure garbage.

Really? I was in one with 2 healers…

Not true … I have been in ones with 1 and 2 healers .

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