Brann's xp is still locked at level 15?

Doing a delve and he does not get any XP


mine is as well, sad :frowning:


Seeing the same issue. No XP for Brann even though S1 has now started.


Same problem.

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Got xp once doing a tier 8 with a Brann at lvl 15

Was it a bountiful delve?

Same here. I didnt even go hard into delves and got him to 15 easily, now he’s still capped and it feels really bad.

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I’m having the same problem. Normal level 4 delve with Brann at 15. No experience gained.

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Finished 4/5 delve. Treasure pots aren’t giving experience, finishing isn’t giving experience either.


He is leveling for me

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Were you capped prior to the weekly reset?

I was at 15, yes.

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Really sad that Brann can’t gain exp since it is the start of the season. Well, at least mine can’t. I took him through the whole Delve, and he didn’t move his exp at all. Even after completion and turn in. Is this another early access punishment?


Same issue encountered.


same. weird to keep it gated still.


The season has started and how are we supposed to continue to higher level of delves when Brann isn’t gaining EXP. PLEASE FIX THIS BLIZZ!

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Same issue. I got Brann to 15 before season started. I have done two delves so far and his exp bar hasnt moved, still says 0 exp.


I got XP for Brann in a bountiful delve but not a regular one. Surely, SURELY they didn’t do something as stupid as limiting his XP to 4 delves a day. SURELY.

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Same here, not sure if intentional or a bug though would be an exceedingly strange choice if intentional given the delve seasonal track is now available. I have him at 15, he’s showing 0/37688 exp and not earning.

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Same. I think they forgot to turn his XP back on, there is no reason to cap him if all delve levels are available.