Brann Bugfix and Buff — September 15

It works but it doesnt at the same time.

If you’re stealthed and you pre tricks brann on a target it will “evade” and you will take the aggro for a few seconds which by then you lost like 3-4 seconds of your tricks. If you do this on a boss the boss RESETS. You can reset the boss every single time with this btw…

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I’ll admit I skipped reading the word half on the first pass.

My favorite part is when I pull a pack with tricks, it grabs all but 1 mob, and it stands there punching me in the face for 2 minutes because it’s an elite with a bloated health pool that refuses to let me get away from it.

Sounds like tricks/fade should consistently work or not work but if it was an exception for elites/ bosses, it would at least be consistent.

Totally, it would be better for those classes if their toolkit was consistently broken. It would make it so much better.

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Because having an NPC (that doesn’t have a tank spec) take all the damage isn’t intended design, and it looks like Blizzard is trying to prevent that from happening.

And that’s why Brann could stand in 11M frontals as if they were nothing (prechanges.)

Then they should have designed the damage intake around that.

They didn’t.

You’re still pandering.

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Classes have defensives, stuns, etc.


It’s very much so an intended design as it works 99% of the time.

Some random trash mobs just ignore threat. This happens with real players as well.

You have a pet to tank for you. Try playing as a mage, rouge, priest, shammy or evoker where you have no pets, no tank spec to fall back on and have mobs and boss hitting you over 1million damage in your face. Yah for being smack in the face. Fact is Delves are design around having a someone to take for you much like a dungeon.

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So you understand other classes have different toolkits now?

Evoker is fine. Use defensives, live.

Delves are just a meat grinder right now and I don’t speak for everyone I just think they’re being designed around a couple specs.


go play as a healer spec and come back.

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Lock is where I’ve done most of mine and by far the easiest (usually) except where all the casters ignore your pet so you have to hide behind a pillar the entire time or chain cast fear.

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I do play as a healer spec. LOL.

“My class is fine.”

Go away dude, nobody likes you.


We have someone claiming that stuff isn’t fine on evoker when it very much is.

my class is fine so everything is fine LOL.

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And to clarify I don’t think hiding behind a pillar making your pet tank, using your kick/stun to quickly heal your pet before hiding again is fun content.