I’m playing feral druid at 596 ilevel, and this is the experience I’m having in delves rn.
I think a core issue with Delves right now is the vision Blizzard had for them wasn’t communicated very well. By that I mean, it was advertised as casual content, then higher tiers were released, we ran them a few times and realized “Oh, yes this is casual content. Not a cake walk, but doable.” (Not counting the broken scaling for a two man group, that was clearly a problem).
But then Blizzard walked it back to make them more difficult, and now we feel cheated. I think that’s the crux of the issue; we were able to do this just fine and now suddenly it’s a different ball game. Adjusting to that with little clarity on what the delves are SUPPOSED to feel like is probably why it’s so aggravating right now.
That said…There are a few concerns.
I have cleared two T8 bountiful delves in the midst of the madness as a feral druid with 596 ilevel. These are the issues I am running into.
Mobs hitting as hard as they are is manageable with CC, which feels weird as kitty, but it works. At least, it works so long as Brann doesn’t break it. 1-2 mobs hitting me with melee swings for 800k-1m is rough, but 3 mobs swinging at me for that much is almost not possible if Brann breaks my CC lol not to mention my Brann has never tanked anything. Someone in general chat said to have my healer Brann tank…he produces no threat in my world, healer or DPS😂
Melee damage from non trash is challenging to mitigate, but not impossible. What is seemingly impossible are the spam cast abilities. The way my cat is set up, I have two or three ways to cancel a spell cast. Interrupting a web bolt buys me three seconds of not getting hit for 1m. But as soon as the 3 second spell school interrupt wears off, they are casting it again. Stun them, they’ll cast it as soon as it wears off. Knockback, casting as soon as they land. Eventually, I don’t have anymore tools to prevent the damage taken. Coupled with Brann breaking CCs and letting something wander back in LOS of me (which I am utilizing the crap out of LOS), is wretched. (granted, there was a Zekvir empowered mob that stayed stunned for like 10 seconds with a 3 combo points Maim. Loved that mechanic!)
At the end of that, the last boss of the delve is usually going to kill me in 3-4 hits. In all honesty, it took a moment to realize Brann’s healing potions were worth anything now, but they are a huge reason I can survive the bosses in delves. With all of my heals and defensives on cool down, I have to kite and pray that Brann reliably drops a healing potion to get through it.
The Puppetmaster boss was not so bad overall, but his melee swings are almost 900k each time. His Swarming channel is unavoidable, and nearly ended the attempt every single time he channeled it. I was able to get through it after a few attempts and swapping some talents around, but I really only got through because of Brann potion RNG lol I had NOTHING left to defend myself against the channel, and a single option saved my biscuits
I think being wary of trash melee damage, spell casts, etc. is fun. Carefully managing the pulls was a nice change of pace. The amount of health some of the mobs had was a little wild with 450-550k DPS by myself, but it was…uh. painfully doable. But I think the melee damage on bosses could come down a bit for melee DPS classes, (at least feral druid). Maybe lower trash health 5%? And make interrupts more meaningful.
Right now most of the damage taken in a delve is melee damage. Unavoidable, with limited survivability. Granted, kitty’s free Regrowth is enough to keep myself up if I manage my combo points well, but if I’m kiting something, all I have to generate points is Moonfire, and then I still have to land a melee finisher and pray they don’t grease me when I get in melee range
Interrupting is not meaningful in anyway. And I mean through Skul Bash/Maim/Typhoon. The mob will come back and cast the ability the moment those interrupt/stuns/knockbacks wear off. In dungeons and raids, if you interrupt something, it goes on a longer timer which I imagine is part of the fight AI or the cool down, IDK. I wish we had something like that here in delves. Then if I got hit by a spell or forgot to interrupt an enrage, I would know good and well it’s my fault and I deserved it
All in all, they are doable, but punishing and slow.
Almost in an enjoyable state. Just a lil more tuning and I think we’re in a good place.
A concern is that with the aforementioned issues, I know there are older players in my guild who were looking forward to doing delves as an alternative to avoid raiding or mythic keys (as they aren’t exactly older player friendly), I could not see any of them having fun in delves in the current state. They feel very mage tower-y, which is fine for me, but very casual players will really struggle. Again, that probably has more to do with the developer’s vision for delves than my distorted expectations as a player.