Same, I was fine yesterday on my mage but today on my Paladin the combat curio is locked, I tried logging out, restarted the game, repairing the game files, and turning off all addon’s but the combat curio remains locked for me.
Same not using abilities or curios. I thought I had to repick which role he was going to play and reset the curios, was still on healer and same curios were picked. looked at his abilities, they are all greyed out. My Bran has been 60 for a long while now, i know he had them Monday before the 11.1 patch as i was still gearing my newly 80 DH. The repair works though.
yeah they did that because tank bran make zek to easy for ppl to get last second
I’m not sure if this will help any of you, but do not try to change Brann’s spec from within the delve or at any Explorers’ league supply boxes. Open the group finder window, I believe the default key is “I”, go to the delves tab, and change his spec there. I have a lvl 78 priest that this happened to, just wanted to share in case it will help anyone.
Not working for me. Sigh.
i have this issue also
We just ran a pair of delves and Brann did work, had the issue yesterday but not today so maybe it is happening randomly?
Shoulda just disabled the Tank spec then, not all three of em. I had managed Zekvir to 30 percent before the patch and thought that was done. Was initially excited to see another few days of a chance, but there’s no way I can do it without Brann’s cleanses.
Er and yeh, for the point of the thread, all specs are grey for me.
I was going to say this is happening to me also, but it’s not quite that. He is healing it’s just he’s getting killed super early again & again. Maybe they re-balanced due to the new tank spec. Then again, I ran 3 delves between Tuesday and today and everything was as per usual. Before it wasn’t that crazy just to get him to 50%. Today not even that is happening.
I re-subbed just to try to tackle the last couple levels of delves before the end of the season on the 1st (unless I’m wrong and it’s already over) and it’s 100% NOT doable with Brann not working correctly.
So…I’m a little salty about this.