<Bozo> [Alliance] | Semi-Hardcore | Tues + Thurs 8:15pm -11:15pm EST

[Alliance] US - Benediction
Semi-Hardcore | Loot Council
Week One 17/17 Naxx|EoE|OS
OS3D(10/25)/Undying/Immortal - Cleared

Recruitment needs
High Priority: Unholy DK or Ranged dps
Unholy DK

Players that wish to prove themselves through backup/bench positions are more than welcome to join us. Any player that is willing to fill 10man/alts/fill in main raid when needed will be highly considered first for main roster spots if/when they become available.
We are also accepting players who wish to play casual and play when they can.

Raid Times
Days: Tuesday + Thursday
Times: 8:15pm-11:15pm (EST)
We do plan on raiding twice a week for a max of 3 hours each night for progression purposes. Once bosses are on farm raid times will be adjusted accordingly.

RCLoot Council
We will be using council loot to distribute the loot. We do not play favorites or play loot goblin. Everything is fair and evenly distributed amongst our roster. If you show up to raid and put in the effort you will be rewarded with the shiny purples. If something is felt as unfair then we ask that you bring it up so we can sort it out. We believe in a team effort and not just a gimme gimme gimme mentality.

About Us
We are a Classic guild stemming from our retail Cutting Edge Guild [South Bank Satellites]. We have experienced Wrath raiders and cutting edge raiders. We are classified as a Semi-Hardcore guild, but in reality we are pretty laid back while still getting the content completed. Our environment as mentioned is pretty relaxed and just have fun joking around. When it comes to raid time if things are taking longer than expected we ask that everyone to focus up and kill the dragon then we can get back to whatever we were shmacking about. We are looking for people who are enjoy slaying dragons, getting loot, and memeing. All we ask from our raiders is to come prepared, communicate, do your role and have some fun.

To be as transparent as possible and to let everyone know a head of time, we do have a legendary priority list. We have a handful of PvPers at gladiator level who raid with us. We are prioritizing legendaries to them first before the sole PvE players due to the limited time that the legendaries can be used during the season. Example It is predicted that only 2-3 Shadowmournes will be able to be obtained during the Wrathful season. So our Pally/DK/War that push ladder and also raid with us will be prioritized for the first handful of Shadowmournes then distributed amongst the rest of the roster. Val’anyr will be obtained by all healers. The current plan for Val’anyr is to get as many as possible during Ulduar and then returning during ToC/ICC on re-clear night (once main progression is done) to finish anyone who does not have it at the time.

Still on the search

Our 25 man roster is looking good and almost finished :smiley:

We are in the home stretch

still looking for these classes!

We got dank memes

Bumping this post to the top :smiley:

undergeared boomkin for now here if you still need a boomkin

Bop bop bop, bop to the top!

Hey there evileyesqc, you can fill out an application in our discord. https://discord.gg/QCgQ7JrFV7

Hey guys, still looking for the enhancement and priest heals, come apply!

Looking for those last two spots to finish our 25man roster!

Still looking for a tank for the roster!

Looking for 1-2 ranged dps

Still looking for ranged dps

Bumping the post

Looking for some pumper ranged dps to finish out our roster!

Boop! Boop! To the top, this post goes!

Bumping the post!

Bump, looking for some big ranged dps