Bozja Southern Front v Warfronts/ Broken Shore

How is Eureka even better.

Dying in Bozja didn’t screw over your progression like Eureka did.

Other games are boring.


By comparison, it’s better. It had better zones and didn’t encourage less participation.

I’m sorry, I just had an axe to grind and found an in without being hit by a ban hammer. I already got sent on a forum vacation by SE for airing out some discontent. :blue_heart:

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Many things existed that players started complaining about. Look at how much drama is surrounding “borrowed power”, when its’s been a thing since forever.

Borrowed power has taken on many forms though. Expansion long borrowed power is still kindof new. Where previously it was from tier to tier of raiding.

You know yesuna i almost entirely disagree with your perspective on wow but do enjoy your input and these threads. One day Ill want to go over several things with you on these forums like the borrowed power systems and game design in general but will need to do so when i am not working. Ill keep putting my input here and there on this thread (especially when i am out of work) but i just wanted to let you know that despite the fact I disagree with your view most of the time I do appreciate your input and the information you bring out

Yeah, I don’t disagree. I think they have a HUGE disconnect between ideas on paper and actual implementation. Not sure why they seemingly can’t do something proper from start to finish.

As for the tech statement. It kinda is an issue. Not that it’s NOT DOABLE but that it’s more cumbersome than say, what the devs at Square Enix have to deal with from what I gather.

But ultimately;

Is ultimately what will happen if history is to go by.

It’s why I just have no faith in their implementation skills of said idea or, said idea is just not fleshed out and certain things are done in an odd way where I just go, ‘‘Why would they do that instead of this’’ and so on…

I just started trying that game but that literally sounds so fun

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It’s nice to see other adults able to communicate without raging at each other. Nobody here will always agree, sometimes they will always disagree though, but staying halfway civil is what the forum is for. So thank you for being an adult on the forum. :+1:

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Not gonna lie, that DOES sound fun.

FF14 is not my bag, but credit where credit’s due, on paper that does sound pretty fun.

I don’t know that the community building result you mentioned would be a thing in WoW if there was something like it in WoW (like if heroic warfronts had been out at the start, where communication and coordination was key at first, I don’t see friendships coming out of that, tbh? Dunno)

That’s a pretty good idea. TBH my biggest gripe with the Maw, afaik, isn’t being fixed in 9.1. IMO the biggest problem with the Maw wasn’t running everywhere; it was having to team up ahead of BEING there. Like if you have a dedicated team, yeah cool. But they had group quests, and then made grouping up more difficult. bleh.


This is a natural progression of two games with different focuses…
Blizzard’s focus is on competitive content. Hence most of their effort goes into things that can be ranked. Mythic+, Rated BGs/Arena, Raids.

Squenix’s focus is on social, cooperative content. Hence their effort creates open spaces where players can work together, on large-scale cooperative content, and on progression systems that encourage players to interact with other players.

Eureka was probably my least favourite thing they’ve ever done in FFXIV. Ugh that was the WORST experience ever.

(But to each their own, ya know.)


So warfronts partially suffered because blizzard wanted to control how people play. If you are alliance you might luck out this week because this week is horde week for this warfront.

That at a base level disjoints the community. Add onto the issues that there was no pvp component (which is arguably the most interesting thing about wow open world fights) and there was no ranking/progression tree for it, no real good cosmetics. Just some recolors. It all felt very uninspired and restrictive