Bozja Southern Front v Warfronts/ Broken Shore

In a recent interview the FFXIV developer said that they wont do anything like wow for mythic plus content in that game. They dont want to make dungeons harder and they already have hard content for people to do. Instead they made the Boxja Southern front which is meant for large groups of players to tackle the world together.

Instead they added a completely voluntary grind (with raid bosses). Its a giant open world with world quests and world bosses that people grind together to get ranking. Its part of a quest chain to let people get special weapons that look good - great and are very strong.

What I like about it is that people are encouraged to invite random people to your group and become friends with random people. Ive joined a giant discord of people grinding ranks and doing the raid grinding.

Its been a refreshing experience and I wish WoW would do something like this. Its not timed. Its not a mythic plus run. Its a challenging casual content meant for small to large groups. It gives player power upgrades and is very relaxing.

Imagine if the Maw was like this but gave you a special weapon for each and every spec of every class that you can upgrade with grinding and an optional raid boss or three at the end of it for you to beat for the weapon.

Its a very interesting and different view in philosophy of these two similar but very different games. I think the world pvp component of wow along with the encounter and class design teams of wow could easily beat ffxiv on this but currently I do not find any reason to do such a grind in wow.

The closest thing I could compare this in wow was the Broken Shore and Mage tower patch for wow. But we all know blizzard took all the positive feed back and praise from that time and threw it in the trash bin.

Aside from that I think warfronts were another attempt from blizzard for that kind of content but they lacked vision to incorporate wow pvp to it and it really was not open world. It was an instanced zone.

Just hoping we can get back to a time where difficult but rewarding group content is a thing without the need for timers.

Have a nice day. Dont kill the messenger.


Nah, if I want that system I’ll go play FFXIV.
Having the same systems in every game would be boring.


That’s cute! So they don’t vet people like they’re applying for the FBI over there? lol gnomes

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They have gnomes there too called lalafell which I just call potatoes. Wow is still the better game imo but they need good concepts like this in wow. Mechagone was kindof that but it did not meet the goals of many players as many players dont collect mounts and pets. Its about the weapons and armor for alot of players and mechagone did not have that. We have not had a voluntary weapon grind for cool looking gear since Legion sadly


I’ve been thinking the Maw would make a nice zone for that kind of content. They could spawn old raid bosses (obviously tuned for world content) because I guess those baddies would ended up in the Maw. This would play with the nostalgia of old raiders, and at the same time it would provide the game with group content where people can be more chill and socialize, which is sorely missing from the game outside of LFR.

Maybe throw PvP in it too because it is WoW. I dunno I hate world PvP personally, but some people like it and there is a Warmode toggle for people who don’t.

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I used to play FFXI, it was my first MMO experience, and I know that FFXIV isn’t anything like that.

I just don’t feel like picking up and playing another MMO. Although I do wish I could be a summoner/red mage in WoW.

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Mythic plus and so many difficulties for everything has largely killed my immersion and sense of satisfaction in WoW.

Imagine beating Castrum in Bozja in FF14 and then being like:

“Ok boys. We beat Lyon but that was some chump version of him on the easiest difficulty. It hardly means anything. Let’s go do this on a +1 with some arbitrary timer.” and then
“Ok boys. On to +2!” then “On to +3” and so on.

It’s just nonsense game design that prevents you from ever feeling a sense of satisfaction. And since I would never Mythic Raid there practically isn’t anything in the game you can ever actually beat.

Mage Tower was so awesome largely because it was 1 difficulty. You either beat it or you didn’t.

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You seem to be lost.

These aren’t the FF14 forums.

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They each have their pro’s and cons. WoW and FF. Many things could be implemented on both sides to help out.

You can read the rest and then determine why this was brought up in the wow forums.

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Mage tower was awesome for the skins as well as yhe fact you hd to know how to ise your class, it was because it was difficult.

With so many different skill lvls you need different difficulty to allow for reward scaling (which is the one of the only motivators in the game besides mog and epeen) and to give something for everyone to do. No lfr champs in mythic and vice versa mostly because they have different skill gaps.

Once ppl beat the game they move on. Harder difficulties allow for longevity for a majority of players

If blizz could churn content faster id agree but the player base eats through any content so fast difficulty circe is the only blizz has to inflate play time besides arbitrary time gates

I wouldn’t compare them to Gnomes as much as I’d compare them to little children.


The scaling comes at a cost though. It’s one of the many things that has ruined the RPG feel of WoW. I think FF14 does it better with normal and hard modes like when Mechagon was first released. They could retune the dungeons each patch.

You don’t even need to compare WoW to FF14 to measure this difference. Compare Shadowlands to TBC Classic. TBC Classic will just feel a lot more rewarding to a lot of players even if the maximum difficulty isn’t that hard.

If there isnt a loot differential to normal vs hard mode ppl wont do it.

If there is youre where we are now.

I think blizz needs to invest in the world again and give big impacting events. Invest in class/race things to world build.

Shadowlands is detached from azeroth and fees different because of it because its bot organic how we got here. Retconning sylvannas from years ago to create a reason for SL is different than garrosh’s years in ppl faces.

Do another AQ event, do another isle of quel danas where ppl contribute and should help each other vs the maw where i aint helpin you cause mah stygia. How you tie gear into idk make the raid bosses unlock when ppl get involved.

Difficulty is fine for gearing and player power. Its always been here. World building is what gives you the rpg feel. Diving into an inexplored dungeon etc.

But there aint ppl that want to do a slow craw due to the rewards.

I don’t think we are where we are now if there is a loot difference. TBC with normal/heroic dungeons is a far cry from SL and mythic plus.

World building is not the only thing important to an RPG. There are many things. Mythic plus makes the game feel more about just increasing your ilvl than defeating story enemies. Every win is so watered down.

So basically a group that goes around killing Bloodsail Buccaneers for 5 rep a piece until they hit exalted?

Sounds painful.


Not really the bosses can easily 1 shot you and you lose “rep” every time you die so you really don’t want to die.

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Yea that makes the experience very engaging. On top of that you learn abilities in the zone that work as zone abilities (think azerite essences but only for a zone, active abilities) and you collect them to make your character stronger in its weak parts. Like that is so cool

Avoiding death in the open world is pretty easy in any MMO. So this sounds more like Tanaan Jungle where large roaming groups just went from boss to boss to boss for days.

Like… this isn’t anything new or exciting.

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Sadly whats missed from this is that one of the main purposes of Bozja, as mentioned before, is the weapon but its far more efficient and time saving to farm those weapon pieces from content from 2 expansions ago rather than Bozja. I barely touched it in FF cus u got ur power based on leveling separately in there and not all the other work you did. I like FF but this isnt a part to be modeled imo