Bozja Southern Front v Warfronts/ Broken Shore

The bosses are designed like dungeon encounters. Maybe just stop pretending you’re psychic… because you are not.

FF14 is designed completely differently because battle res is an inherent part of the game that every healer has. Dying is much more a part of the game.

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Uhh… all of WoW’s world bosses are like dungeon bosses.

You guys are seriously just hyping up zerging from one boss to another with a rep grind attached.


WoW’s world bosses never kill you. You are pretending you understand a game that you don’t even play. You’re an imbecile.

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Nah, you’re just hyping up something that’s already been done to death.

And WoW’s world bosses kill plenty of people. Despite easily avoidable mechanics, they still function the same as any dungeon boss as they’re all more than just tank and spank encounters.


I can only imagine the masses on the forum and the youtube “content creators” screaming at the top of their lungs about time-played metrics and how Blizzard doesn’t respect their time if they gave a grind like this.

World bosses in WoW are more like normal mode dungeon bosses. Bozja encounters are more like mythic plus bosses. This isn’t that hard to understand.

You do realize that the difficulty of a boss doesn’t matter when you can zerg it right?

Explain to me how this is any different than if Tanaan Jungle bosses dropped a resource/rep that you had to farm to buy gear. You can even double the HP and damage those bosses do so they can “one shot you” (fun!). And if WoW did that, tell me you’d actually find that fun and not painful in the slightest bit.

An invisible wall surrounds the boss when you engage it. You can’t zerg it with more people than it’s designed for. Nor can you run away. And if you wipe and have to ‘release’ then you lose a crapload more rep. Although most people just end up begging other people to come res them.

edit: The bosses I believe also scale with the number of people who engage them. So although there is a maximum number of people who can fight them, with people below that number, they’re basically like Wow raid bosses that scale between 10 and 25 people. This is typical for FF14 open world content as even ‘world quests’ (called FATEs) scale with the number of people in proximity.

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So it’s still just a boss grind… no different than farming valor tokens except your circling the same zone over and over and over again.

Tell you what. Feel free to come back after doing that for two weeks and tell me if you’re still having fun killing the same bosses over and over and over again. Then come back a month later and really rub it in my face that you’re just ecstatic about killing the same bosses over and over again. Then let me really have it 6 weeks later knowing that you’re still doing the same thing.

I can’t wait to have it all rubbed into my face about how much fun you’re having. It sounds exciting.

These encounters aren’t even my favourite part of the zone.

My favourite part is the dungeon that opens periodically and rewards a lot more rep and currency than the ordinary bosses do. But if you fail you get nothing (you end up losing rep actually) and then have to wait for the next reset. This dungeon was extremely easy to fail at the beginning.

I’m not hyping it up so much as I’m just saying it’s better than any open world content WoW has. It’s still far from perfect.

Eh this may be some rose colored glasses. Game has always been about loot progression.

Eventually in BC ppl were probably just crusin through heroics by the end wearing later tier gear, things just had lockouts that prevent chain running them. If there was no lockout ppl would have spammed them like now no doubt.

If youre looking for an epic adventure thats the mythic raid scene.

Dungeons have been made to be a filler for slots the raid hasnt given yet.

Idk how to make dungeons feel epic again given everyone’s different skill cap. If you made a max lvl no m+ dungeon that was hard as nails and required max ilvl to drop max ilvl who would do it after the first time through?

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Oh… a dungeon that’s only available periodically… how exciting that must be. Them Wintergrasp and Tol Barad dungeons are obviously the high lights for most WoW players.

A grind is a grind. Can’t put make up on a pig and act like it’s pretty.

I mean they would have to change the design of the game. People continued to do heroic in BC because they dropped profession mats and whatnot.

The dungeon starts at a specific time. It’s not just faction controlled periodically.

The dungeon starts at a specific time basically when the RP dictates you are going on the offensive. If you fail you ended up waiting for it for nothing. You don’t get to restart. It’s annoying as hell when you lose but rewarding when you win.

It doesn’t matter when it starts.

Blizz can put an exact duplicate of this zone into WoW and the player base will just complain about the unnecessary hoops and hurdles and cry about time metrics. It’s a grind and it gets old before its done like all other grinds.

I don’t need to play FF14 to know what this is and that it’s tedious before it starts.

But a grind like this existed in wow previously. I remember getting groups to farm the world drops in the broken shore. I just dont think anything like that exists in wow today.

Wow already had something similar to this. It really just comes down to how it was designed and what the reward is at the end of the grind and what the rewards are in between the grind to make it more meaningful.

In WoW of all games.
And I want a golden goose egg while you are at it, like common…
People are under the delusional impression that we lived in a time where WoW was all about making friends and communicating :rofl:

Azeroth have mercy.

Anyway OP, interesting idea. There is a reason why they removed these types of bosses that roam zones and it’s exactly because of this ‘‘community’’.

And thing is, from just a possibility stand point of doing such an idea in WoW… WoW is a mess that needs developers to code from the ground up to come up with these grand ideas of boss in zone, rankings toward it etc without actually breaking 1398 other things.

FF14 came in at 2010 with lessons learned and the ease of creating such things.

Lol everything you said is agreeable. I just saw wow do these things previously so I know they can do it now. But what I think I am afraid of is them doing something like this then missing the mark completely, wasting dev time and resources on something players wont like, then regretting it like they did for Warfronts.

Which reminds me thats exactly what happened with warfronts. However warfronts suffered from this lack of vision for the content and lack of good rewards for the content. They also suffered from lack of pvp for the warfronts which many including myself requested.

I know they have the technology so that is not the issue. Its more of a design and developer resource issue.

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Taps mic
Bozja sucks. It sucks so f*cking much. It is literally the “instanced lobby game”. You sit at the aetheryte. You wait for a CE. You accept the CE. Do a boss and then go back to the hub.

I don’t know if it’s because all those runs of DR melted my brain, but running from fate to fate (think those “fill the bar by mindlessly aoeing things to death” objectives) isn’t good content.

It wasn’t good content in HW when they just copy pasted the same Fate format from ARR, and it continues to not be good content even now when it’s the same exact content we have had since ARR.

Oh, and don’t forget how it’s locked to quest progress. Remember how hard it was to get a Castrum group after week one? They didn’t want to make it feel too mandatory (besides locking you to progress) by not putting rewards in it, meaning many people had to be stuck in different phases unable to even do it. For weeks.

I’d rather do Torghast than grind more Fates. The Maw isn’t a good representation of hell because it isn’t full of Fates.

Also how dare you suggest the Mage Tower is even close to Bozja, like, the nerve. I miss Eureka, though :confused:


Lol i was just making comparisons to how wow did it better and how its missing in modern wow. It was a comparison but the contrast was also there. Furthermore warfronts attempted something very similar but failed due to lack of vision.