Boy you thought BFA was a ghost town just you wait

Everyone’s going to be power leveling to 60 asap. Meanwhile, in BFA… crickets :sunglasses:



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Not like you’d be able to notice a population difference until you open the lfg tab tho


No need to be petty go enjoy classic friends
not my thing personally but you go have fun


Luckily, Classic has no LFG. Just imagine having LFG in classic dansgame

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Power leveling to 60? Aint no reachin level cap in a few days like we see in the expansions. That’s gonna take a while my man.


Ty hope retail gets better so I can enjoy arena again.

Nzoth storyline is great too, still interested to see where it goes. Wont quit retail for good if they fix pvp gearing, id still do arena and play classic


I give Classic about a month, 2 max, before people start coming back to BfA.


Yeah people are going to come back but if you dont think theres going to be “Full” realms all the way up to Naxx youre actually wrong

In no way will it kill retail outside of the initial rush, but its gonna thrive for a long time

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Well yeah, look at it this way
private servers lived on for a while in a world where that server could die any time if blizz pulled the plug
gonna be crazy to see how long they stay alive now that they’re safe


Yup so true big bro doze :grimacing::blush::innocent:

how long you reckin itll take to hit 60?

If someone no life’s it and levels with a group with tank healer and 3 dps it’s doable in prob 2-3 weeks of extreme play (18-20 hours a day). The semi casual player base can expect lvl 60 in 2-3 months.

I sincerely hope that all these gloating Classic players who are enjoying what they think is the downfall of retail never come back to retail. It’s rather disgusting behavior that they actually are happy at the thought of retail going away and leaving behind the meaningless dead-end slog that is Classic.

Why play the game if you are so against it that you want it to fail? It makes no sense.


Think very few people actually want wow to fail. They’ve just been severely disappointed for many months if not years at this point. They want to like the game but things like stale meta, class design, and the vendor meme is just beyond unacceptable at this point. Also the game is pretty much dead. Logged onto Tich and at max saw like 15 people in town


Classic was the worse idea they could of done honestly. All it really comes down to is money, sub = free classic. I’m sorry, but I honestly have 0 desire to play it. It’s annoying with all this hype. I went to log on today to finish my caps, and I couldn’t even find ques. So it looks like live is almost dead for the mean time.

Yea they might then they’ll hit 60 and realize they wasted their time a lot
Will figure it out before that tho…

queues on alliance side have always been rough to find. now, its even worse. i logged in today and theres a whopping 5 people in LFG. And yeah I get that it’s not prime time or whatever but come on. Back in MOP or even CATA you didnt have to wait for prime time to find queues.

I think you have it wrong, at least for me you do. I love WoW and want it to succeed. But they are mistreating the PvP players to such a degree that they need to suffer for it. Hopefully out of this they will finally see meaningful consequences for their actions and it will lead to better game in the long run.


It takes 7-10 days of pure grindage to hit 60. There are several guides that walk you through each step. If you grind in group it can be faster. Last time I did it in vanilla on this warrior it took me 7 days played time. However who the hell has that kind spare time anymore when you have a job, family, kids and a house to take care of.