Boxxing is pay to win

actually, everything you wrote is just as applicable with bots as it is boxxers, who also dont have to undercut, goblin, and also can store items.

however, none of that has any bearing on the issue of it being P2W.

pay blizzard more money, gather 1 node 5 times with 1 click. if you dont pay blizzard more money, you gather 1 node 1 time with one click.


It is not. That shows a lack of understanding of how bots function.

Bots don’t typically store items because of chance of getting banned.

They offload as quickly as possible to make as much gold as possible before being banned.

Hence why bots are always undercutting because to a bot price is less important.


And that’s winning to you?

You know I was multiboxing just last night and was like :thinking: I can walk around this dungeon at my leisure because it’s just me here, I’m free to explore, do quests go for rares if I want since I don’t have to discuss with a group.

this is my winning :rofl:

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#BanMultiBoxing Blizz. It is time!


I am torn.
Multi boxing IS unfair to the economy. 1 person cannot play 2-20 toons without 3rd party software. It is unrealistic. So if one player is is clicking one node they should get one herb or ore.
But you should be allowed to play a game you pay for any way you want.
So ya I am torn.
It would be better if the nodes weren’t stacked 10 deep and just respawned faster in more places.
Clearly multi boxers over saturate the market and drive earning potential for single players.
I did try multti boxing, it is fun, but it felt like cheating.and if something feels wrong, it probably is.

the farming is my only issue, but its such a big one. and i dont think its fair to the rest of the player base to change how nodes work to solve P2W.

Yay! Let’s hear it for the necromancer! Why make friends when you can raise them.


No changes are required everything is fair.

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Changes are required it is not fair.

It’s only unfair to the scammers and exploiters of the game, which are players. So what monopoly of yours got toppled to get you riled up?

Blizzard should just make it if you pay double the sub cost you get 80% more damage in open world and x2 drops
Can be stacked for more money

See if people think that’s reasonable

Isn’t that argument is a bit of a False Equivalency?

It’s pretty simple.

“I cannot afford what other people can, so they must be punished. I’ve missed out on 600 herbs man. And ore, and

People are way too bored these days.

Go write a book.

It’s almost exactly equivalent

OP, what do you do in World of Warcraft beside farming?

I’m not quite sure what the correlation is there since multiboxxers quite literally pay to have an advantage in the economy. I’ve completed all of my 5 masks so I guess I get to have an opinion on it?

If we didn’t necro threads that are 19 days old, it wouldn’t really matter.

The OP was on a tantrum that day and made another thread about being incapable of doing their 5 mask. So, that was my snarky response. Figured the last sentence of my post made it clear I was referring to another thread.


Yes they can.

Apparently not clearly at the start of xpacs

But it’s not

It doesn’t mean it is wrong

but it’s not

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So my account is greater than your account?

(I do agree my account is greater only due to my skills as using it though)

What about those players that spend more time on the game? It’s time to win! We should force players to play the same amount of time as those who only play a few minutes per day, as they get an economic advantage because they play more!

/s just in case