Boxxing is pay to win

You can already buy gold from blizzard and pay for runs with it to get the best gear in the game. At this point wow is apologetically pay to win and this been for some time.

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You have to pay for a sub and you can win with out a sub so it has always been pay to win right?

A KVM switch allows you to control multiple computers without any software.

Multiboxing software simply emulates that hardware solution.

Why would multiboxers want to crash the economy? They have to pay even more to keep all of their accounts going, so it would be in their best interests to keep the prices high, so they have less work to do to.

No one can even provide proof that multiboxing even effects the economy at all. I made all my gold from flipping herbs.

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is ad hominem all you do?

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If it’s a single player, single account doing it, then no it’s not the same as multi-boxxing.

So on the flip side:

Boxxing is winning for the casual player. They increase supply which positively impacts people who don’t play the AH game, farm incessantly, or are brand new to the game! The increased supply lowers the values of good on the market making it more accessible to your average player or even completely NEW player. This means a new player may not feel as overwhelmed by the previously overpriced low-level crafting crap and stick around longer!

Seems like a win for Blizz and the WoW franchise to me since it may lower some barrier for new players! Maybe if AH tycoons priced your goods in a reasonable way, people wouldn’t want to roll more toons to farm with themselves. Try to be competitive instead of complainy.

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How does multiboxing help with the AH flipping?

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I’ll help bumping NA anti multibox thread, but please do consider bumping our EU and classic multibox thread as well (bonus if you can bump reddit posts as well).

You don’t need eu account to upvote EU’s posts.

Best part right here. Keep prices in check. People will just have to find another way to pay for the X miilions of gold mount.

I think the “bots” in that blue post should be noted. It’s not just anyone who MB’s. I’m sure there are employees who look for certain repetitive actions in-game - or there use to be. Most typical MB’s who are farming will change things up if you disrupt them in some way while botters typically don’t.

I love how the AH people think it’s unfair that prices are dropping, but not unfair that they want to charge so much for lower level, crappy, crafting that only a new player would likely need. They say they want to keep new players in the game? Then give new players stuff for free if that is the true aim! Otherwise they are lying about this care for new players or keeping players in the game.

It is hard to believe this post since you can watch them multiboxing on Twich playing Classic.

Do you guys just hate multiboxing because you can’t spell it correctly?


There’s only one x


I’m on a like GCD :heart:

That’s okay, I gave one for you because it’s well deserved.

Wow, you couldn’t even be bothered to read that I was defending it huh? Don’t try to make other’s look dumb if you can’t even bother to read.

Thank you. :slight_smile:

I read as far as your misspelling. If you want me to keep reading, L2spell.

You go edit the wiki page for “Boxing” and I will worry about the spelling for some silly video game phenomena.

In the mean time, I’ll await your update to urban dictionary.

Never said it did, I was saying that comparing multi-boxing to AH flipping is a strawman.