Boxxing is pay to win

Another great day of multi boxing has arrived, I would like to thank my fellow multi boxers for keeping the price gouging botters in check on the AH by keeping prices lower the angry botter / farmers make threads like this…sorry you can’t rip off players now days. :smiley:


another day, another ad hominem.

dont worry, we all understand why logical fallacy is the only argument the P2Wers have.

This is still going? o.0

Yeah I box, what can you do about it? Nothin! How ya like me now! XD

Not really, no. Like all the other bigger threads, it’s usually just kept alive by 2-5 players. People like to think that what is important to them is important to everyone else.

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Yeah, it becomes a big post flaming session with a few people…-shrug- Guess that’s how they enjoy the game?

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Says the botter/ AH rip off scammer who makes numerous threads QQ’ing about not being able to scam people on the AH with hyperinflated prices.


thank you for your masterclass on ad hominem.
i like how you have resorted to accusations of me actually cheating.

the pro boxxer argument is so weak, and their stance so morally bankrupt, that all they have to defend it is logical fallacy and personal attacks.

Fixed that for ya. Or did you have some actual point to make? You keep using those two terms against others; but it’s your argument that has no credible proof to back up your claims. Every anti post is just another Roleplayer telling a story. Nothing more.


I hate it, but it is technically “fair” because we all could multi-box if we really wanted to. I don’t because I can effectively play for free on my toon and that’s all I really need out of the AH.

The unethical multi-boxers will disagree. They are no better than corrupt evil corporate execs that subject the public to unsafe products for profits, hoping never to be discovered. (volkswagon defeat devices, toys using lead paint, etc)

oh yeah, its legit per the ToS. that is what we are trying to change.

no, i made my point in the OP, and it has yet to be refuted in this thread by any sort of coherent argument. much like this post here. no substance, no coherent argument.
please, continue to do my work for me. i appreciate it.

You’re generalizing the playstyle to the point where “everyone who boxes does X”. That’s just not true, and you know it.

I am not making the claim against you or anyone else, you say it’s pay to win - but provide zero hard evidence - then demand that someone refute that imaginary issue. That’s not how a debate/discussion works.

You’re doing it wrong.


no, its all laid out in the OP and there hasnt been a single coherent argument refuting my claim.

This thread…

But isn’t that what every anti-boxxer does?

Weak is better than nonexistant like antiboxxer argument :man_shrugging:

Gaming morals?

Meh, both sides are guilty, best not to join in :slight_smile:

Good luck friend!

Multiboxxing isn’t the most effective means of making gold.

No you’re paying with gold

What’s being won?

I pay more for more character slots :slight_smile: You should have joined me back in November when I first started crying about 50 character cap and I wouldn’t be a multiboxer Could we increase the 50 character cap limit? - #97 by Kaurmine-area-52 I would suggest joining in that cry now otherwise as time goes on and more people hit 50 characters and want more characters they’ll turn to the only option they have

Prior to multiboxing I was never directly negatively affected

Win what?

When they “pay with real money” does their bank balance move?

The token is not money

Alright, back to wow, I’ll check in on this thread later :slight_smile:


Another great day of keeping those AH prices down so the botter/ scammers can’t rip you off with their vastly inflated prices. Keep up the good fight my fellow Multi Boxers…and thank you Blizzard for letting us multibox for 15 years now. :smiley:


Your argument is somewhere around the level of arguing that the Moon is actually made of cheese. There’s no debating something like that, as that would give some validity that your argument is anything other than pure nonsense.

The many, many, holes in your argument have been brought up dozens of times in this thread. You should try reading them instead of blithely skipping past people who don’t agree with your preconceived notions about the game.


Since this spam thread was created

to support the spam thread.


OP is now only coming back to shamelessly bump the thread. I suggest simply ignoring the troll and reporting for spam or breaking the forum coc.

It just came to my attention… the notion that it’s pay to win is easily debunked by actually looking at the facts. It’s impossible that multi-boxing impacts the economy more than any other activity.

1). Undercutting is no longer required. Even if multiboxers “flood the market” they should be doing so at cost. You can’t blame “market crashes” on this activity.

2). Per point 2 - true goblins only post an amount of sales per day equal to the average sellables per day. They would have no incentive to crash the market.

3). Multi-boxing allows you to get to a surplus of an item More quickly, but that doesn’t mean all those items are being dumped into the AH at once.

4). The only people that “AH dump” are bots or people that just want to empty their bags quickly,

TLDR: you are confusing bots with multi-boxing.