Boxxing is pay to win

Did I? OH SWEET! :+1:


Semantics issue #3:
Does multiboxing give a player an in-game advantage?

Yes --and so does grouping.


Except its not. Itā€™s a program that interacts with the game client to clone a key press. Aka Facilitating game play.

You would make an awful lawyer.

This requires additional people

Itā€™s like youā€™re almost starting to get it

Too bad the game isnā€™t pay to win.


You need drivers for your keyboard and mouse in order to interact with the game client. So everyone is now guilty of ā€œfacilitating gameplayā€.

Too bad no one takes you seriously, because I feel like if you stopped trolling you might be an OK person. But you wonā€™t let that happen.

You are a beautiful person, you do you.

This game was extremely pay to win when the vendors werenā€™t out and using gold for raid carries to get the best gear in the game is a little more than flirting with pay to win

Once you win the game let me know, until then I canā€™t take your claims seriously.

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Do you always repeat what people say? You should change your name to ParrotTang.

Thank you, I hate when I make typos I donā€™t notice. Good find in the fine print though. May be hope for you yet.

I cant believe Iā€™ve been winning the wrong way this whole time. I better buy more accounts

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With posts like this itā€™s no wonder you hide on an alt

Let me guess you won the game too by paying?

Again, thatā€™s your ignorant interpretation and not what is ACTUALLY happening. Speak with a Blizzard rep.

Once again, BOTTING programs interact with game client - that is how they ā€œplayā€ the game for you. Boxing software does not. You would make an even worse lawyer (thereā€™s a lot a reading and difficult sentence structure - you would definitely get lost).

Iā€™m sure you guess for A LOT of things

The advantage is that you donā€™t need to coordinate with other players, therefor the only limiting factor is you.

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One thing I donā€™t guess at is there is nothing to win in game. You might be able to pay for faster player progression but you canā€™t win anything.

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I agree. If we all just pay more money we too can win the game.