Boxxing is pay to win

Where “insane” actually means “not that hard”. I make enough each month to buy about three tokens, and that’s with a single account. You just need to realize that Herbalism isn’t the only way to earn gold in the game.

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And how much gold would two groups (10 accounts) worth cost a person?

Token value x 20 if they farm the gold, then sub with the token they buy with gold.

but…token to gold value is never always the same, so its hard to put an exact price in gold on it

You are responsible for how you and your account are represented in the game world. Cheating in any fashion will result in immediate action. Using third-party programs to automate any facet of the game, exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

That last part seems really clear to me.

any code and/or software, not expressly authorized by Blizzard , that can be used in connection with the Platform and/or any component or feature thereof which changes and/or facilitates the gameplay or other functionality;

I haven’t misread anything, those are plain English. Multi-boxing provides a clear and obvious advantage to farming over other players that are not or can’t afford to do it.

This advantage is further increased and pushed beyond farming when you use a third party program that has not been explicitly authorized by Blizzard.

Case closed, easy win.

For the initial purchase, it’d be something like 250k gold, then another 125k for the first month, x 10 (in my example). So, it’d be 350 x 10, so 3.5 million gold for the first month and another 1.25 million every month after that.

Doesn’t seem super cheap, and this isn’t the biggest group size, we could easily multiple this by 20, for a 2.5 million gold a month.

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It appears you are wrong again on every account.

Since the activity is mentioned specifically as legal…you are wrong.

Everyone is using these all the time including you.

@Nimbletim, but I don’t use any uis / addons / 3rd party programs. I also have maybe 35k gold accross 3 accts, why are you hatin on an altaholic? Not sure I get much advantage tbh

It’s not automated, so the second half you love so much is nil. Neither does multiboxing software exploit bugs, or engage in activities (it’s software). PLAYERS do that. Not the PLAYSTYLE.

This is botting, multiboxing is not botting. Case closed.

Blizzard has stated that multiboxing is no more unfair than grouping up.

And what about people who can’t afford to play all day long? They’re at a disadvantage as well. Should we start restricting how long people can play each day?

Blizzard doesn’t do a by-name authorization of anything. Go try and find where they’ve “expressly authorized” browser software like Firefox or Chrome.

You don’t need a third party app to do that, and you are not gaining any clear advantage over other players by riding around doing nothing.

Woah this thread may hit over 1000! Do all the posters involved get an award?

Your words. Thank you.

The category you keep trying to put boxing software in is not how it works. It does not automate, is allowed, and does not change blizzards api (which would be botting).

Just me, I get paid by the letter. Everyone type more.

Multi boxing and tokens are just p2w for wow

It is what it is

Cool, I just like alt space and helping my chars…I don’t pvp with um, or really farm with them. I am a lazy boxer -tear- Is over 80 alts a bad thing, now I am feeling self concious…0.0

Thats an OR not an AND, meaning those are three different items. They are independent of each other. One being invalid has absolutely no bearing on the other two.

Yeah, I think people defending the pay-to-win aspects of WoW, think we (or at least I), are trying to make a moral statement. I don’t really care either way, personally. The game is obviously pay-to-win, it’s easily quantifiable, that doesn’t mean that’s a terrible thing. I think Blizzard has taken a pretty mature approach to pay-to-win, if anything.

It’s just your usual suspect lineup of unemployed multi boxers that are in every thread

@Kittredge YOU made the 1k post!!! -cheers-

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