Boxxing is pay to win

You know they are breaking power leveling even more in Systemslands. No more Freehold runs.

Let me guess buying a leveling boost is winning the game…

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it always does. it always increases supply, thus lowering the cost. boxxers will be herbing season 1, thus herbs, pots, and flasks will all sell for less on the auction house. its simple economics. supply goes up, cost goes down.

the token is money. so its no different than if they paid with dollars.

how do i gather 1 node, 10 times, with the click of one button, without multiboxxing. its a simple question, why are you dodging it.

This doesn’t have anything to do with the conversation. But, at least you’re trying. Nice try.

Bypassing content using real world money, is technically pay to win. Pay to win doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve reached the finish line, it could mean it just puts you closer to that finish line or end goal.

You are the one that brought up power leveling. Nice try.

You are wrong again you haven’t won anything.


I brought up like twenty points, and those points still stand. Mostly because you respond with drooling and strange mumbling. Just like a good Orc.

No, I’m spot on on this one. Though, if you want to prove me wrong you can actually try to make a point. You might like it, give it a shot.

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More nonsense thanks for that.

No, you completely missed the spot. You bought a leveling boost to accomplish what anyone can do in game. Let me know when you can buy some unique advantage you can’t accomplish in game.

Otherwise you just trolling me bro.

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You just simply didn’t read my posts. Please get educated and try again.

Why are you trying to set up ridiculously narrow standards?

You can outgather a multiboxer by playing longer than them.

Or you’d find something more profitable to do.

But you don’t want to do that. You want to eliminate the competition as if the price of Zin’anthid would suddenly skyrocket back up to where it was a year ago.

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Do you feel ashamed for acting like a fool? You do it all the time, so I’m assuming no.

Can they do it instantly with real world money? Yes, because that’s technically pay to win. Can you level instantly without the use of gold or real world money? No, because it’s technically pay to win.

Cherry pick one aspect of my point, that’s fine, but you’re still being proven wrong.

Do you?

Wrong. Leveling doesn’t win anything in game. Also, leveling gives you no advantage over someone else.

Sorry, your point was wrong to start with.

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You should try that “get educated” thing yourself. If you were, you wouldn’t be making the claim that Blizzard’s stance is that multiboxers should be “going to each window to do the actions”.

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I feel ashamed for you. Your shame radiates onto the forum, it’s almost sickening.

Leveling gates content, gaining max level faster unlocks gates faster. Bypassing a gate is a fundamental aspect of pay to win.

If this were true, then the level boost would be pay to win, but not multiboxing.

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I haven’t said anything about multiboxing. I don’t even know why you are responding to me.

I agree feel ashamed for you too because:

You can make up your pay to win definition to be anything you want it to be, but you are still wrong. You didn’t win anything by buying a leveling boost.

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We already beat you Orctang, crawl back into the dank hole you spawned from.

That’s not how definitions work. Definitions define things, they have parameters and are bound by rules.

I’ve already explained this. You’re ignoring my post and rehashing your tired talking point.

I can’t be beat on this topic since you can’t provide any valid points.

Also, who is “we”? You and your grandma?

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“I haven’t said anything about multiboxing” he says in a thread about multiboxing.

Why are you even here if you’re not going to talk about the topic of the thread?


Correct and you violated them.

You gave an incorrect explanation, but you are just trying to waste time by repeating it over and over.

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