Boxxing is pay to win

Addons would fall under that as well, clearly some things not directly authorized are still permissible. I don’t know about other multibox software but the one I use has been around since 2009, I’m sure if Blizz wanted to they would have banned it by now like they’ve banned addons they didn’t like in the past.

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Exactly, a typical self entitled whiner who can’t have it his way…Multiboxing will continue to be around, you would think after 15 years he would get it but apparently not. :smiley:


And multiboxing software still results in each client window being under the direct control of the player. The secondary client windows don’t do a single solitary thing that is not in direct response to what the player has told them to do.

Multiboxing software still doesn’t automate anything.

They have stated many times that using software to multibox is just fine.


It took me like 30 seconds to find this node with multiboxers in the zone (I assume the “Area” druids are boxxers)

I personally never have trouble finding herbs but I’m just one player. This is on one of the larger realms in the NA Area-52.

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Good for you then! A lot of players are not so lucky.
Also depends on how many boxers are in this area atm.

My balls are pay to win.

As always, if we feel that a particular behavior becomes a significant threat to the quality of game play, our policies on the topic are subject to change for the betterment of the game as a whole.

As always stances change, this post was from 2008. Blizzard has made multiple updates to the EULA since, several directed towards multi boxers. Changed what LUA code is available, due directly to multi-boxers in PVP.

The point of this post is being lost though, it was never about if multi-boxing was allowed. It’s pointing out the fact multi-boxers are paying for an advantage and that it shouldn’t be allowed. It’s a call for change, not an argument to ban current boxers.

And this is from three weeks ago:

And before you say anything “not supported” is not the same thing as “not allowed”. It just means they won’t help you if you have any problems.

The only change that anti-multiboxers would be happy with is banning the practice entirely.


I’m all for people playing how they want.

I’m of the mindset that if you want to bot and get caught, you don’t get banned. You get banished to a server shard with everyone else that was cheating. Gold farmers will abandon the accounts and create new ones, but people who just like to cheat will still be paying for there subs. Pure chaos and anarchy servers.

I feel the same should be done with multi-boxers, but then again Blizzard makes more money when people use WoW Coins to pay for subs. That is what most gold farmers use to pay for their subscriptions so…


I’d wager that gold farmers are more likely to use stolen accounts or stolen credit card information. Why give away gold to Blizzard when they can sell that gold for real money?


Stop using me as your go-to for all your multiboxer jealousy/hate. You seem to have this hang up for quoting me and using me as examples in a weird amount of your argumentative posts. I’m one single person out of a pool of players. For all you know I’m not even a credible source, so you just look silly by constantly using ME as your example. If you want to have a decent discussion with me then let’s do so, but you aren’t interested in that. This is almost crossing the lines of harassment.



That anyone can use, and they actually have stated that the same advantage can be achieved through grouping. But I’m sure that’s unacceptable to you as well, seeing as how you can’t decipher the english code of the ToS.

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I love this kind of daily post about multiboxing in wow, even when blizzard had stated that isnt agains their ToS. :rofl: Meanwhile i am farming herbs in my druids.


Why I am not getting the rash of these topics of late.

Lots of people like me are cleaning house. I know soon I never will touch BFA ever again. So this stuff is going for low low prices. NO attachment to these really. And I ain’t greedy.

I can’t be the only one.

Where as from outland, wod, wrath, etc raid spam…I keep this stuff around. I actually still play these. And one day if I make an alt again well here you go alt, a present from the now 60 max char on the account. Lets make leveling that much easier for you.

I would highly suggest you and anyone reading this just flags Orctang as a troll.

I provided him concrete examples and his only response is… “you can’t prove it.”

The guy has 0 interest in having any real discussion and is trolling at this point.

first, it’s not for anyone to decide what another player considers winning. There are tons of things to be won in this game. Saying there is nothing to win is saying there is nothing to achieve in this game, which there clearly is.

To that, you guys are basically arguing semantics as well. Being successful in the game is ‘winning’ relative to what constitutes success in the game or your actual desires in the game.

Let me know how you can convert currency to real world money.

Wrong, they are acting under the principle of equality. All accounts are equal.

Nope, they are using a third party program that broadcast the single key press to all open windows. This “third party program” is a windows api.

Yeah, this is wrong. Let me know when you have time to look up “pay to win”.

Fixed it for you.


I understand I’m three days late, but you are very wrong there.

There is nothing that gold doesn’t buy in WoW. You want transmogs? Gold. You want AotC? Gold. You want to get carried through ANY content in the game? Gold. Want to level professions faster, form a guild, hire people to perform any kind of task? Gold. Gold is more important now than it ever has been and you can buy it with real world money. Therefor WoW is technically pay to win.

Let me know what you won.

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Everything I listed that you failed to read.