Boxxing is pay to win

Actually, no it doesn’t.

It’s one action button press per client window.

The characters are never doing anything that you haven’t expressly told them to do and if you stop pressing buttons, your characters don’t perform any additional actions.

You need third party software to operate even a single account.

The more important question is why so many people are deadset on getting rid of multiboxing. And the answer to that is pure selfishness. They want to get rid of competition, that’s it. They believe that Zin’anthid should be selling for as much as it was when it came out, they can’t comprehend that prices change over time or that the prices would drop as the expansion winds down.

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By this logic we should ban anyone using any input device since the computer wouldn’t know what to do with these devices without the aid of third party software.

Why is this thread still alive? Please let it die so I can post in a new multiboxing thread tomorrow. Thanks.


The commands go to all accounts.

There’s no double standard. You press one button, you get one action per account. They press one button, they get one action per account.

:wave: I read the multiboxing threads on the EU forums as well, can’t comment of course. And I read the multiboxing threads on reddit and on mmo-champ, and on the Eve forums (a game I don’t even play), I have read boxing threads in regards to LOTR and FF as well (also games I don’t play). I just don’t see multiboxing as big of a problem as people want people to believe it is.

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I wonder if someone will come up with something fun :slight_smile:

Listen, so, multiboxing is why the tree was burned down. Let me explain, now there was a malfunction in the third party software with the automation sprockets and …hey guys?

What do you even mean? It’s not one button press per client. If a multiboxer wants to pick up a flower with 10 clients he doesn’t have to switch between his clients and click the flower 10 times. He’s on one client, clicking one time and all the other clients perform the same action without him switching the client.

I… what? What third party software do I need for my single account to run? I just run my WoW client. What are you talking about?

Stop nitpicking, please. You press one button and 10 accounts are operated and that’s not right. Blizzard says it’s not automation because you are sitting there and pressing one button. That’s all. But that doesn’t make it right.

As a goblin from the gold community I had a lot of problems with different Multiboxers who were capable of trolling and terrorizing all other AH-users with their cheap masses of materials and consumables. I’m so sick of getting much less gold because some multiboxers intentionally push prices down and then whisper other people to laugh at them for trying to make gold. Then there’s the problem with farming materials when so much MB are out there, you can’t even find a single Zin’anthid in 15 minutes. Or most of the other material farmspots are crowded with MB.
Last but not least the MB with 20 accounts who raid cities on smaller realms and BGs and terrorize the players there.
I can’t even imagine what new players or returners must be thinking when they see this kind of stuff.

It’s like the new bot era but with players behind them who can’t get banned because Blizzard think it’s fine. I even think bots a few years ago weren’t that bad because they just threw their stuff into the AH and didn’t try to intentionally p*ss people off.

All or nothing arguments are some of the weakest attempts at debate you can make. If you are not able to understand the distinctions between software required to play the game and software that negatively impacts the game, then you are a lost cause and I wont waste my time on you.

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you’re seeing complaints about multiboxers across all types of MMOS and you don’t see a problem?..hmmm okay man.

It is one button press per client window.

You press a button. Each client window then performs a single action in response to that button press. At no point does any automation occur.

The drivers for your keyboard and mouse are third party software.

For instance, I have a 20 button mouse. I have software that is required to run it even though I only have a single account. Apparently I should be banned for that because reasons.

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Don’t get mad at me because you want to paint all third party software as being against the rules. That’s your fault for not reading the EULA.


Let me just say that you just described automation. One button press for 10 actions.

One button press equals one action per client window. That’s it. That’s all there is to it. You’re deliberately misinterpreting how it works.


Wow, that’s really lame. You compare hardware drivers so I can use my mouse… with 3rd party software for multiboxing, where one button is multiplicated to other clients? I can’t even.
It’s my first time discussing MB in this forum and after a few posts it’s already infuriating how some people are trying to defend MB with the weirdest arguments.

Guess what - EULAs can change and that’s what a lot of people want in this case.

If your argument is that you can’t multibox without third party software then you need to also accept that you can’t even play a single account without third party software. Don’t blame me because you didn’t think things through properly before coming up with a lame argument.

Yeah, so “weird” to use these “fact” things against people who want to keep misinterpreting information or outright lie about how multiboxing works.

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I don’t know what to tell you, you just have a different opinion than Blizz :man_shrugging:

Yeah, I frequently got into wars when I was doing the AH thing back in MoP, it is annoying but fun for me at the same time. It’s not often I would run into other neckbeards who will sit at the AH all day long reposting glyphs and gems lol.

Sounds like a jerk.

Either hyperbole or you need to lookup farming routes.

I’m gonna have to youtube this, since /follow doesn’t work when you’re engaged in Warmode combat I’d like to see how a MB pulls off a city raid.

I was boxing not too long ago in Elwynn Forest leveling 4 hunters just doing quests, some guy was like “How do you have so many avatars?” I said I have multiple accounts, he said oh cool, and that was the end of it. Returning players :man_shrugging: I get blown apart by 5 ele shams in wintergrasp in wrath and you can wayback machine multiboxing threads from 2006 so I doubt it’s anything new to them.


There’s no double standard. You press one button, you get one action per account. They press one button, they get one action per account.

10 actions would be me, on one account, pressing a button and then I run forward, open my map, run to the bank, talk to the bank npc, grab a beer I was saving, run to a mailbox and watch some orc lady dance, give her a tip, chug the beer, fall asleep.

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Have you read this?

I use third-party hardware to play WoW all the time. My mouse…my monitor…my computer


Just a little bit. I don’t know how it’s like on US realms but on German realms it’s usually really bad. On high pop servers there’s nothing you can do, you’ll just find orbs most of the time and on low pop servers it’s not that bad but you’ll have trouble finding herbs. Low pop servers are cash cows for our MB because there are almost no other people farming - but their AH is empty then. There were times on “Forscherliga-EU” where you could hardly farm something but in the AH there were like… 300 Zin’anthid because boxers took all the herbs with them to the big realms.
Until 8.2 I was on the same side, defending multiboxers because I thought they weren’t that problematic but as I opened my ears to other players and got in contact with a lot of problems myself I changed my opinion.

Any code and/or software, not expressly authorized by Blizzard, that can be used in connection with the Platform and/or any component or feature thereof which changes and/or facilitates the gameplay or other functionality; EULA C:ii:4

License limitations - Cheating

I want you to go read the posts with “Blizzard’s Stance” and see how many times they say Direct control.

without intervening factors or intermediaries.

A third party program is playing the intermediary to duplicate button presses across multiple clients.

Multi-boxers are just dicing what blizzard’s real stance is to justify pushing the limit of what they are allowed to get away with. I have no problem with someone running multiple accounts, if they are going to each window to do the actions. That is clearly what Blizzards stance is, as they have stated so many times.

Just a question… what do they win?

They have an easier life but that’s about it.

What it comes down to is they have more ingame goodies than you and your jealous?