Boxxing is pay to win

Do you actually not see the link between multiboxers farming 5-8x faster than a regular person

Five accounts farm stuff faster than one account. So, what is your point? You have access to getting more accounts.

Do you not see the link between a multiboxer farming 5-8x faster than a regular person and the devaluation of all the materials they can farm? You can sell them cheaper because it costs way less time per herb relatively. Now its not worth farming a lot of stuff because its not worth the time.

Subscribing is pay to win.


This is just your opinion. Find another way to make gold if you don’t like it.

Also, you still get your fair share of herbs to sell. You are just upset the market price is not what you hoped it should be.

You have access to make more accounts if you so choose to farm herbs better if that is your end game.

Thats the thing, its paying more money to get a 5-8x time advantage. I’m not going to argue semantics that’s a waste of time. The fact is you pay for more efficiency, the only way to become even is to spend more time or more money to get accounts. Farming other things is not equivalent its clear you’re trolling anyway.

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This seems like poor reasoning on the part of those doing it. If I were a multibox gatherer I’d still want the price to be as high as possible

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Nope, you can achieve this with gold as well. Everyone has access to it. If you think its a big deal then do it.

Yes, every account can farm things equivalently.

I didn’t herb at all this expansion and made over 30 million gold flipping them.

Yeah of course you want it as expensive as possible but when you produce so much more you have the leeway to price others out of the market by making it not worth the time.

There are currently a couple of hyperspawn farms around. These require several packs of mobs to all be dead to trigger a hyper respawn or the “hyper” turns to “quick” or even “normal”.

A multi-boxer can post up characters in several spots and spam a SINGLE key, pressed once and repeated over multiple clients using a third party program, to wipe out that entire area and trigger the hyper spawn.

Using a macro program, or almost any “gaming” keyboard/mouse, this single key can be spammed indefinitely. This is not required obviously, but this can be used to “AFK” the farm. Mind you this part is irrelevant to my point as anyone can do this.

The direct and undeniable advantage, for the multi-boxer, in this situation is that to do this same farm, and at the same speed, you have to coordinate other players.

Setting up this farm, for a single account player, is time consuming and unreliable. However, for a multi-boxer, you remove other players unpredictable nature completely from the equation. This is a clear and undeniable advantage for the multi-boxer. This is using a third party program to gain an unfair advantage over other non-multi-boxing players. You can not logically argue this point.

As a side note:

World of Warcraft Gold is an exchangeable currency that has a real world monetary value. It can, and has been, changed to spendable currency in the real world market. Blizzard saw to this being legitimized as a real currency when they introduced the WoW token. However, its been a real market since the start of WoW due to illegitimate gold buyers/seller.

In conclusion, if an account is payed for by cash or gold. The account is being payed for with an exchangeable currency. Anyone can turn gold to cash and visa versa. You can not logically argue this point either.

With these facts in place, you can not deny that:

  • Multi-boxing uses a third party program to gain an unfair advantage in the realm of farming.
  • Multi-boxers pay to have this advantage. Gold = Real World Currency
  • Most multi-boxers pay for that third party software. I know, I own it.
  • Orctang is a Multi-boxer shill. :wink:

If you can come up with an argument to this that’s not just “No, You’re wrong.”. I will be happy to explain, slowly, why you are wrong.


Remember OP, the free market can NEVER be wrong. There should be no rules, people are free to make gold by what ever means necessary, no matter who gets hurt or even dies. (at least, this is what most people on these forums think, free market fanatics).

This violates the terms of usage and is bannable. This has nothing at all to do with multiboxing.

No, it only has value and not real world.

Call outs aren’t aloud. You are also incorrect, because no one can prove that is unfair.

Unfortunately, you have yet to prove that it is unfair. Sorry, better luck next time.

Save money by writing your own.


And I hope Blizz breaks every hyper spawn in the game.

I don’t know what this point means :slight_smile: Are you saying players can make real money? I personally don’t care about that. If you guys want to be RL millionaires off wow have at it, I just want wow.

Hey me too :wave:

edit: Though I am curious, since I own that software I don’t have knowledge of what every single other multiboxer in the world does, where do I go to obtain this information?


You couldn’t be more wrong…a group of 5 coordinated players beats a multiboxer every time. You need to hook up with RUIN gaming and ask about dealing with multiboxers, they took down Prepared and his 60+ accounts several times with far less players. A classic case of needing to GIT GUD. :smiley:

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First, no automation is occurring. If you’re multiboxing, each character is responding to each button press with a single action. The software doesn’t generate any commands of it’s own.

Second, you need software to translate your mouse and keyboard inputs even if you’re using a single account.


You can gather from more nodes by playing more.

Or, just maybe, you can realize that there are other ways to earn gold besides Herbalism. Y’all are acting like that’s the sole activity in this game through which gold can be made.

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And it’s an expansion that’s very nearly over. These anti-multiboxers like to act as if Zin’anthid should still be going for 100+ gold right up until Shadowlands goes live.

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Can you point me in the direction of the rock you live under? If you are honestly this naive you have no place in this argument, because you are clearly working without the facts.

I see you didn’t actually read the whole paragraph.

Still ignoring the fact its a third party program being used to gain an advantage. Using a hardware function/macro program is a bannable offense to you, but having a program repeat keys to different windows isn’t…?

It’s not a call out it’s a joke, because I find it very hard to believe that you’re not a troll.
Not based on or behaving according to the principles of equality.
Seems to fall cleanly under that definition. I don’t see the problem. They are using a third party program to create an advantage. Honestly I’m just using the definition to help you connect the dots between how multi boxing creates an advantage and how they gain that advantage through spending money/gold.

While that technically makes buying anything off the auction house “pay to win”, this particular advantage uses a third party program to accomplish it.

This is just a clear case of how you ignore the facts of a post to “make a point” that doesn’t exist. Troll tactics 101, get better at trolling friend.

That you don’t care is irrelevant to the topic.

This is just a single point I used for clarity. There are innumerable other examples of how having more then one character, you control, farming is an advantage to farming.

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Without nitpicking - actually it does. Yes, you’re the person pushing a button and sitting in front of 10 open WoW clients, but you push one single button and 10 different characters on different accounts in different clients do the same. You can control 10 clients with one hand. The first client is controlled manually and all the other clients in the background run automatically with this.

Can you run 10 clients with the same actions done at the same time with two hands? No, you can’t. You need 3rd party software that runs all the accounts for you.

I’m from the european forums and everytime I read these Multiboxer threads in the US forums it looks like a lot of people here are defending boxing at all cost. I wonder why.

Getting something of value outside of wow is irrelevant to the topic of wow

I’m well aware of this, it’s why I had a 50 capped account before I started multiboxing.