Botting in Classic WoW has evolved

I not even a week playing this game. but I know its gonna be fun or the journey
but seeing someone abusing the game like this its really not fun

my guild told me to seen this and make a comment of it.
but when i start watching i was like whattt.
blizzard please be serious for punish this kind of thing.

you know why i start playing classic is beucause i dont want to seen something like this exist in this game

that’s sad tbh yikes blizzard

Its about time someone has some real proof of the botting and exploiting issue. Blizzard can’t hide this one

It won’t do anything. I recorded a bot and put the link in my ticket. The bot still bots.

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Ok, what in the hell is with all these 1 post characters with absolutely scuffed grammar?


This is why I want fresh tbc servers


its illegal? we should report it

The video and glitching is only somewhat more atrocious than all the 1 post sockpuppet accounts spamming the same post with terrible grammar.

Being that many of the sockpuppets are level 60 warrior and mages, it almost looks like a farmer attempting to get competition banned.

Classic has evolved from gather bots to flying instance farming bots to forum PvP (err… BvB?) bots.


The bots are showing their masses? Wtf

Dude are these like the China farmers that don’t use bots or something; trying to get the competition banned? What is this game even


A whole pile of alts in here with broken English. One group of farmers trying to get the other group banned.

Lol. Competition has gone to the forums.


Its ok, they will be banned in a wave in 6-12 months, or something, this will def happen…

Nah it wont lol.


Until Bobby has all his Yachts Blizzard approves of Bots.


What is that crazy crawling up the wall crap? WTF, lol?!! :joy:

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Blizzard doesn’t care. They’re getting that sub money regardless. It doesn’t matter to them if our economy gets wrecked. This is also why more and more people will simply buy gold rather than farm it. Many people (Blizzard) can’t understand this, but as cheaters run rampant, they inflate gold. As inflation gets higher, the value of the gold plummets. Once it gets to rock bottom, there’s basically no reason to farm it yourself.


seek help bud.

LMAO! I was thinking the same thing. Now the Bots are invading this thread, lol. :joy:

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dont let this thread die


At this point every player should realize blizzard is ok with the bots, ban waves dont do anything, botting is defacto ok at this point.

Its kind of what not enforcing botting rules gets you, everyone who isnt botting while you wont get banned for it is working harder with a lower return on investment.