Bots in goldshire

As the title says there’s a group of druids botting and false reporting everyone in goldshire inn a friend and several others got banned for 6 months for botting even though they never did in their entire life

They didn’t get hit by the recent lot of bans that went out for people using model replacers that got everyone flagged as botting, did they?

Because yeah, that’s not false reporting people, that’s Blizzard deciding to enforce their thing about model replacements outside of the game exploit ones that they actually cared about


Man, you guys have a problem there on the Kel’thuzad server. Our Goldshire is squeaky clean compared to your’s. Clean up your act. You’re an embarrassment!

He said, totally aware of the hypocrisy of the statement about resetting the counter, but if the counter’s already reset then you might as well be a bit silly.

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What’s a model replacer? Sounds like the in-game items that change your characters appearance. Am I right?

Yea, there’s a good handful of third party “patches” that change the appearance of character models and weapons. Some of the ones that I saw people getting a 6 month ban for were rather 18+ and others were just “I put a happy face on my shoulders”.


b8 r8ed -8

Maybe the tourists shouldn’t cry when Blizz finds contraband and sends them to detention for violation of the EULA.

lol bye felicia


So do this changes appear to other players, or just the one who is using it?

Just you, no one else can see it

Edit: but because it does change game files it is breaking the ELUA and TOS of blizzard, so when warden catches people using these they just deal out punishments because blizzard doesn’t honestly have the time to go check how you changed the files just that you did. So they get the same punishment as someone who’s using the mods to cheat.

The problem is, while they banned folks who did things like mod mining nodes to be huge (or that guild that got banned for clipping through straight to c’thun), they didn’t stop to filter out harmless mods like nude or appearance mods. It was basically just smashing a basket of grapes without sifting the rotten ones out.

You SURE it’s false reporting in Goldshire?
Pretty sure saying explicit things, even in your RP profile, is against ToS, which would indeed be report worthy… Especially with some of the things being written in Goldshire.

But yeah, sounds like the nekkid mod is the culprit.

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Off-server people when Blizzard bans them for doing things that have been against the TOS for like a decade:

(ꐦ ಠ皿ಠ )

Moon Guard players hearing off-server players getting banned “for nothing” when it was probably because of their “XXX Nubile Teen Draenei” mod:

(ᴗ ͜ʖ ᴗ)





Per what the others said. The most common use is various nude mods, but people have used it for other stuff like the blatantly cheating of “I am going to replace all netherwing eggs with sha of anger” or “I am going to replace campfires with the Dark Portal so I can just walk up stuff” to the harmless of “Why can gnomes/NElves/Race of choice not be paladins, I am going to make my character look like a gnome”

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Adding on, if the bans were for the model edits, wouldn’t the email containing the reason say something about it? The one I got was ‘using a bot and/or third party automation’ which fits OP to a T so hard it might as well be British.

EDIT: They also recently reverted the ban wave, at least partially.

It needs a modded client so I wonder if they just went “Okay we’re just hitting modded clients for whatever cause”

Default Client tends to crash a lot for me with error code 130 iirc like once every 2-5 minutes.

Modded client at least let me play it for hours on end.

EDIT: apologies for forum newbiness, I forgot how to quote posts.

Doing God’s work.

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Don’t addons change game files though? I’m not tech savvy, so I have no idea how it works. I’m assuming addons are like mods.

Also good thing I saw this now. I saw some model editors that give female Worgen a face lift and I considered downloading. Now that I know its against the TOS I won’t need to consider it anymore. :stuck_out_tongue:

You sure? They’re reverting the ban wave, at least partially.

Addons that do things with audiofiles and UI elements are the ones that are allowed, like DBM or TRP

But the stuff that people were getting banned for were the botting stuff, appearance mods, and other stuff like that was what’s against TOS.

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