Bots, bots, bots AND MORE BOTS

OP, your first example, 5 to 8 players in Duskvar. That was probably an anchor weed group. If one member spots a node, he calls every one to his local, and everyone gets to gather the herb.
Boxer naming is usually hard to miss, virtually the same name except the last few characters. Not always the case, but most of those i have seen are like that.
The dungeon bots, you’ve done all you can do by reporting them. I would suggest just playing the game after you reported the offense. No reason it should ruin your day.

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I hate bots, but I’ve learned a battle against bots is a battle Blizzard won’t win. Wipe out a thousand with a mass ban, thousands more will take their place.

They are nice for little honor boosts by camping the ones that made the mistake of turning on Warmode. A nice way to help the community by making bots lose an hour or so worth of potential gold.

Wow all your imput about the subject is amazing and really sad. Well the only thing i can do now is complain and hope for the best.

desolace inside water so many bot in wow classic,

Five month old necro.

I thought you dks were older than that. :rofl:

If I told you the state of grind for alts in BFA was so bad its led to more boting and multiboxing, would you believe me.

Put a wall in front of players when there doesn’t need to be one, they’ll knock it right down.

There are bots all over the battlegrounds too and they don’t seem to care so don’t expect them to care in this case either.

Botting and multiboxing aren’t the same thing and have nothing to do with each other.

And it’s still relevant.

They claim that suspending cheaters instead of banning cheaters makes cheaters stop cheating but if they ban cheaters then they’ll keep cheating. Not even joking.

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Where’s jugaa with her endless responses that cheating and bots no longer exist

I found some bots in Stormwind the other day! They were running around, using the auction house, talking in trade chat. I confronted them and found out they were even programmed to believe they were human! It’s getting crazy out there! WOW is for humans!

Blizzard’s report system is more about number of reports than the validity of them.

I could get a raid to mass flag a guy because we don’t like his mog, and they would get silenced while nothing happens to us.

It’s pathetic and lazy. Considering the usefulness of those who handle appeals, they could be canned and nobody would notice.

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I’ve seen over 20 Pigeon Bots collecting herbs in Nazj.

There’s still always a ton of moonkin bots in Zandalar, DH bots at Botanica, etc. The bot fighting never stops because Blizz only tries to break the bot, which just ends up breaking everyone else instead of the bot.

Maybe they should actually ban them? Force cheaters to actually continuously buy accounts?

I don’t recall the botting ever being as bad as it was back in WoD, that’s when it became hardcore to the max. Ironically, that’s when they started suspending cheaters instead of banning them. The last actual banwave we’ve had was in MoP, every wave since then was a suspension wave.

A suspension is not a ban.


Someone really have to take a lot of time, money, and effort to unlock pathfinder on multiple accounts.

Nah, bots do all the work themselves. You press start.

Next expansion they should keep War mode and add risk to being in War mode. Like dropping raw materials or something

Lol multiboxers are like 40% of retails pop now so just accept it op and enjoy the immersion it brings. At least in classic the vast majority of people i see are just that, actual people, makes me feel like im playing a real mmorpg again.

Its sad that blizzard defends multiboxing. Speaks volumes about a company thats willing yo sacrifice its game enviromnent for a quick buck.

Nobody should be able to control their own 40 man raid group because they’re rich outside the game, just like nobody should be able to buy 40 votes at a voting booth.

Its funny though, watching all the retail ‘wise ones’ complain about all the symptoms of multiboxing in one thread, then go, “neener neener rules are rules, read the ToS you idiot” in another.

But listen, just because you have a degree doesnt mean youre smart, and just because blizzard wrote something down somewhere, doesnt mean its healthy for their game.

That’s what I’m thinking. GMs can just go right to the spot, see the bots, and perma with no explanation. Then they’ll get another couple hundred bucks when the bots buy a new account.
If I can find them on my own, blizz sure as hell can.

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