Bots are on a rampage!

This could work to a point, but a LOT of boxes in asia use pirated versions of XP, and there are ways around the key authentication. While i loathe botters, it’s much more complicated than people think to stop them. :frowning:

Well, we could take the CCP approach and just jail anyone who doesn’t follow the rules or norms? Botting = now a jailable offense. Minimum 10 year sentence.


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Confirmed bots should be auto flagged for pvp by both factions.

Not only do they get corpse camped, but they will probably kill eachother.


Love it, and give them a permanent debuff and drain on health until it reaches 0.

Seen them in Bastion all the time. I usually follow them and herb where they herb as well. Save me time from actually trying to find the rote for herb.

hahahahahaah. Oh that’s great. That honestly made my day. Blizzard is more focused on people saying bad words on their Christian forums than cheating in their video games.

But that would mean blizzard would have to put in effort in making sure people don’t cheat and we both know they aint gonna do that.


You can but I doubt they will. So many out there I suspect banning isn’t happening.

Most of these commercial scale bot operations are just running them inside of VMs. Last I checked, warden doesn’t have the amount of access it would need, to determine it’s in a VM, let alone that the hardware identifiers it’s bring fed, are not spoofed.

Sorry, but blizzard isn’t going to get around the problem without active, in person moderation.

they need to bring back dedicated ingame server GMs.

True. Regrettably

I’m watching Asmonbald and his ‘Bot Slayer’ stream, it’s obvious botting is rampant.
The only real solution is to remove the profitability from botting.

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You know this? Or are guessing?

Well, technically speaking if they actually WANTED to rid the problem (which i have some doubt), they wouldn’t need warden but a simple check upon launch to determine the make of the motherboard. An example of how to do this looks something like this:

using (var searcher = new System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher("Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem"))
  using (var items = searcher.Get())
    foreach (var item in items)
      string manufacturer = item["Manufacturer"].ToString().ToLower();
      if ((manufacturer == "microsoft corporation" && item["Model"].ToString().ToUpperInvariant().Contains("VIRTUAL"))
          || manufacturer.Contains("vmware")
          || item["Model"].ToString() == "VirtualBox")
        return true;
return false;

Just as an example of how to determine if an app is running within a VM or not, and just disallow that. Kinda like the ToS’ 1 keystroke = 1 action, well one machine = 1 instantiation of WoW.

Just like the flies they they are

I’d do it for 10$ an hour. Give me the ability to active moderate these hot spots and clean up your game blizzard. Let me free! LET ME CLEAN UP THE FILTH!

You monster, not even thinking about the financial impact that employing you would cost the shareholders! Taking money right out of their mouths.

I’ll do it for free. Let me send these bots beyond the shadowlands, Darkerlands.

It seems blizzard/activision is in on this otherwise why not fix it? Went to bastion today couldn’t even see past the druids BOTTING the world quest with skinning drakes. But hey big money says don’t moderate I guess cuase it doesn’t require any effort to find thousand of bots a day in World of Botcrafting :confused: