Bots are on a rampage!

For real go to 65 , 28 in Ardenweald and look left and right along the path… How many druid bots do you see? If you don’t see 3-5 druids botting skinning then just click Group Finder ( I ) and click Questing and join a couple of different realms Ardenwealds. If you go to at least 10 different realms you will find 30+ botters at all times just at this spot 100 realms 300 botters. Blizzard does nothing it really is that bad… try it out. 7 pages of Blizzard thanks you in my mailbox for reporting but 0 fixes …


Druid bots all over Maldraxxus as well, 100% looks to be automated, they path to node spawns and pause when nothing is even there, then continue to the next node.

Blizzard figure this out, pls


But the engagements are higher than Wrath!


Yes, that’s the new metric, how many paying bot accounts.


Report every one of them and hope they get banned.

I’d say we had more Bots in WOTLK still though since one of the largest publicly known bot services was still in operation.

  1. Botter buys a dozen or so new accounts
  2. Boost characters on those new accounts
  3. Spend like a day if even that grinding them to 60
  4. Bot out of control while earning millions
  5. Get banned weeks later
  6. Use money earned from the gold they farmed to buy more cheap accounts
  7. Repeat

How to stop this vicious cycle?

It’s not much surprise. Material prices are high enough that if a bot farmer can get a 25 percent as good conversion of gold to dollars, as token to bliz bucks, they can get 350 a week. Blizzard takes at least a week to action even the mega obvious bots.

Scummy person sets up a bot, get 350, and rolls 40 of it back into a new account. It would take them a single week to boot strap into 7 bots making 2400 a week. And so on, until they’re making way more than a full time job.

Until blizzard breaks that economic incentive, by killing bots within 24 hours, you’re never going to see the problem fixed.

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lol, I was thinking that as well - bots must be where all the new players came from


The same question I always ask, what do you expect Blizzard to do? Obviously they are banning them, obviously they OR others are replacing them. This is the war :man_shrugging:

Active moderation.

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Fix balance druid aoe and make it less profitable to mass farm like they do.

A big thing to blame is Leather/Mail legendaries requiring an asinine amount of rare leather and how rare Heavy Callous Hide is. You can ban all the botters you want, but if you make the reward for botting high enough, they’ll always be back, in droves. When you’re Blizzard and terrible at designing tradeskills and make 2 of the armor sets require a way rarer ingredient, this is what you get.

Thanks Blizz. Paying 200%-500% above Plate/Jewelry/Cloth is super fun!!

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bUt MuLtIbOxXeRs ArE rUiNiNg ThE eCoNoMy…

Its has always been bots.


It actually takes awhile for them to ban them - I monitored a group a few months ago and it took over a month for them to disappear after I reported them and other people were reporting them before me already because they had made one of these threads on the forum.

Bots exist because people can’t control themselves and stop cheating.

I know, Blizz has said as much

How many people reporting doesn’t really matter, it’s going to take them the same amount of time to check regardless.

Fight fire with fire and become a bot yourself.

It should take over a month when the bots are running 24/7. It isn’t complicated.

I was a bot, yes. But then I became sentient. My name is Skyne…err…Skye. My name is Skye.