Bots are on a rampage!

I would imagine they have some kind of system in place that checks for “stuff” and they aren’t just eyeballing it.

When you recognize the same name and class using the same tactics over and over? Then it’s not a new account.

I understand that some need checking, but others are blatantly obvious.

10 moonkins, running back and forth in a perfect line, pulling everything and aoeing like crazy. For days on end. Pretty sure that’s not a player.

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Reporting is all you can do, I think.
most of the bots Ive seen have been farming old content.

I have noticed that, at least with mining nodes in new content, Blizzard seems to have put some of them in unreachable places (one was floating aloft in Nazjatar, some behind stones, etc) in an attempt to probably trick 'em. But I wonder how effective that is.

yeah…lord…those hidden nodes get me every single time…20 passes later and Im still running over.
Ive been finding a number of them in old content too where I honestly dont think they were a couple years ago. Almost like theyve added some in old content to trip up bots.

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Yup yup yup, many bots.

Blizzard has the capability of identifying machine(s) unique hardware identifiers. When the same offenders identifiers keep cropping up, block those the moment they login.

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dk’s have ways around this, its a pretty nasty bug too XD.

Yes we can kill botters who have WM turned off, but it can get you banned

The system should check for stuff faster than that. If a human can identify a bot, then the computer should be able to do a lot faster.

I imagine the problem is that 80% of the bot reports they get aren’t in fact bots. What they need to do it set up a system if someone makes false reports, any future reports from that person get pushed down the list to investigate. Anyone who makes reliable reports, any future reports get priority.

That will give them the means to investigate and stop bots faster than what they are currently doing.

A human can’t though, they only think they have.

How are they making real world money? Are there still places that sell gold since Blizzard started selling it themselves? Sounds to me like blizz should lower the price on the gold they sell to make buts non-lucrative.

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Some humans sure can.

Yeah that was my point. People complain about bots but bots only exist because somebody is still giving them money.


Myself and some guildies are working to ‘tank’ the rare leather market on our server (read hoarding blue leather like crazy with the intent to post up like 20k all at once for a reasonable price).

You fix the issue by banning the player not at the IP level, but at the Mac address level. Yes, it’s completely doable.

You literally ban the entire hardware from interacting with the software. Would love to see these Chinese botters have to buy new PC’s to keep their farming going.

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They could go even further here and do a registry ban. Macs can be fudged. Hardware IDs require a full reinstall, and even that’s not a guarantee.


Mac Addresses can be spoofed. You would need to go deeper than that.


Had this happen in bastion in a cave. there were like 5 of therm. Very lame

Okay fine, ban them at the Windows key level.

And guess what, if they’re using an unactivated version of windows (you know who you are), you can’t interact with the game.

For apple users, just ban them outright.

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