Both MW hero talent trees still have FW only talents on them that are worthless to casters

enveloping mist is only instant cast if you are channeling soothing mist. Not every MW is a soothing mist user. Firstweavers welcome the free instant cast enveloping mist.

That’s one opinion. all of my melee friends love it when I play my fistweaver. They never die!

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I do not. It would be too strong.

how so? You can already take the focused thunder and tea of plenty talents and have 4 in a row as fistweaver. Instant cast with a instant heal as big as vivify ontop of that. It isn’t overpowered. If anything it brings consistency.

This requires RNG and isn’t reliable, and it doesn’t give a 5% shield on everyone without procs. It also restricts you from using RSK, Vivify and ReM or they use a stack as well, if all you want is EnvMist.

Now, if you were to make it instant whenever Ox triggers, it would be too strong. Reason being is because of Arena and Battlegrounds.
It would FEEL good, and I’d like it myself, but having an instant healing amp 55% + 5% max HP shield on everyone with almost 0 downtime because of the high proc rate would be ludicrously overtuned. Also, it having a cast time outside of TFT and ToP means it has some level of counterplay. Kick, micro CC ect.
And no, Mana won’t keep that in check, because you’d just drop a point in your tree for Energizing Brew and even out the usage.
And nerfing the amp would hurt Casters who rely on that amp.

I just saw this thread. For everyone yelling to just play FW, that would be flat out suicidal in BGs.

Hero talents need to be more flexible and accommodate caster monks.


It’s not. You have the tools for it. If you know how to rotate cooldowns and don’t fatfinger a global it’s more than possible. It’s pretty good even.

It’s just hard and stress-inducing because a single mistake can cost an entire BG, and there are many, many more potential mistakes that can be made as a Leather Healer in the cleave as opposed to casting from Africa.

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i despise playing FW in bgs, it loses all the agency you have over your heals , you are just a RSK monkey .so unfun

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This alone tells me you don’t have any idea how to Fistweave in PvP, let alone BG’s.

Also, “You are just an* RSK monkey.”

Grammar Grammar~

Not that it matters, but isn’t “an” only used when the following word sounds like a vowel? So wouldn’t RSK be an “a” then?

forgive him he is clueless , he cant correct anything. his whole statement is wrong from start to finish.

Technically it can be both.
“An RSK” would be fine if you were saying RSK and not Rising Sun Kick, and the reverse is true.

This is because the R sounds like Arr.

I see why nobody likes you. Big mouth with lack of fundamental knowledge. You may leave now.

i’m still mad blizzard is still not providing adequate support for my caster windwalker build

Agreed. It’s really blizzard’s design choice for the spec. It’s like saying I want to play survival hunter as a ranged spec cause there are some talents that support it. Sure, you can do that, but it won’t be optimal or even decent necessarily.

you are a melee healer no matter what. the game does not acknowledge you as a ranged healer. fistweaving should honestly resplace gusts of mists as the mastery. i don’t mind the nomenclature of soomweaver and fistweaver, but a ranged caster is not this class. if you want it to be, play a different one.