Both MW hero talent trees still have FW only talents on them that are worthless to casters

ignore the peak of serenity trolls mate. if someone wants to range cast and thats his definition of fun, let him be , soom all he wants .
it seems that only some can have fun while others cant. bUt yOu hAvE tO dEaL dAmAgE . jeez you dont have to do anything. you just go log in a game and have fun.

btw these people are some low- key sweatlords . They dont understand that healer dam is irrelevant in that level.

Yuh I know its great on top of the removal of one channal completely and the other now being a talent you can choose not to take it’s awesome :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

I can’t say this enough times because ya’ll refuse to actually read. Dedicating half of the tree to a ranged playstyle limits the amount of points available to increase melee build diversity, and I will die on the hill that it’s selfish of ya’ll to advocate for a ranged playstyle in the MW tree when you have five other healers you can play that give you that playstyle.


The thing is though is none of the others are channel-based, which is the playstyle we like. Soothing Mists has been a part of our spec since its inception (excluding the short rework for legion). With the exception of druid (HoTs), every other one is made up primarily of hard-cast spells, which does not feel even remotely the same. If another spec added in channel-based healing with inatant-cast interactions, I’d be happy to swap over.

We should be advocating for additional choice nodes that don’t take away from the fistweaving tree talents, because you’re absolutely right, you should have a melee healer spec that you enjoy to play. Do not remove any fistweaving functionality or nodes. Just add options to them.

My ideal tree is one whose healing comes from casted heals, but whose damage still comes from melee. I like being up and close. I just don’t like the automatic DPS-to-healing conversion component as much.


This is a really silly statement.

Playing a caster MW build is fundamentally different than all other caster healer specs.

There is a certain feel to channeling and tunneling certain targets and weaving instant cast spells which is completely different than any other healer playstyle (which by the way all the other healer styles blend together into feeling the same way)

I really like Soom playstyle but it’s just no viable because they don’t provide damage options for it.

If they just added damage options for soom it would be a lot of fun.


You are twisting stuff mate.

I dont want ranged playstyle. I want caster playstyle. MW since its inception was an in and out spec. In melee out of melee. I want it to remain true to that. I don’t want some ranged stay forever there caster. I enjoy being in melee and healing like i do now, its amazing.

I dont want fistweaving talents like jadefire and teachings to go away, i like that people find solace there. I just dont want those people to force down my throat that MW has to be ancient teachings only. I adore how it plays in raids now and how it will play. Yulon ramps feel great

Edit: also now with PiP , sniping heals is quite nice. Its a shame to actually want it to go away because soothing mist.


Ive seen u around and every time people jump hard on ya. U actually play mistweaver or are touna parody account

Fair, but I feel like some part of it has to be watching and tending to health bars instead of just spamming spinning crane kick then cocooning someone who’s low (an oversimplification of course). Unless you want a rush-to-ally ability like evoker which would then put you out of range of other teammates.

It seems like when you say melee build you just mean punching enemies and passively healing. Or would you rather be a melee bee jumping from flower to flower?

I am always flabbergasted at how people still refer to caster as a range spec. Mistweaver is melee, whether you like to cast soothing mist or not.

Am I the only one who’s interested in knowing what talents we are referring to here? Now sure, there are some talents that interact with monks melee abilities, but you also get talents that interact with vivify or direct healing (which is arguably more used as a caster)

Let’s get real, FW isn’t being pushed down your throats, being in melee is. Now I can understand why some are bothered by it, but mw monks have been encouraged to be in melee for a long time, this isn’t new in TWW :man_shrugging:

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Fun fact: monk had that ability first. It was called mistwalk and it was deemed to op to be a part of the game, so it was removed.


Chi Torpedo also originally healed.

The low range mobility healer was Mistweaver before it was quietly Demonology Warlocked to make room for Evoker.

Further, Windwalker was also Demonilogy Warlocked for Demon Hunters too–or am I the only one seeing the relationship between Seven-Sided Strike and Blade Dance? It even used to provide 100% evasion for the DH… Luckily Turbo Fists was still added…

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I think this should be re-added to the TWW talent tree. Where Bounding Agility is. ( bounding agility doesnt seem that amazing on TWW beta )

They have us rolling through adds to slow them via another talent and I think it would be neat if we also healed again when we roll/torp through people :stuck_out_tongue:


Caster playstyle for a mistweaver has been unique since MoP. I do think it was a mistake to drop chi from the spec, but the only time caster Mistweaver was that similar to other casters was in Legion.

Your logic also makes no sense as you’re essentially arguing that those 5 other specs are redundant and that you should just delete all of them except one.

As someone who gets all healers to max level almost every expansion I can also say that none of them really feel like they’re just clones of the others.


Not everyone jumps , just those peak of serenity shills , because I defended people who wanted to play something else other than ancient teachings. They were making fun,memeing and harassing everyone who ddnt play their build or agree with them on how mw can be played. I just dared to expose them for what they are

So whats the difference between soomweaving as uve called it and castweaving as others? Do you have any vids of castweaving u enjoy i like dofferent types of builds

August Dynasty Is on a choice node. You can use the stat boost talent instead. I plan to.

On beta the shield that procs on everyone from this is pretty strong, it procs often too. 50% reduced Env Mist is good. Our 2 set also increases env mist healing. This is a really good talent imo.

I agree the Master of Harmony tree is pretty Fistweaver playstyle heavy ( and that is okay ) - but the Conduit of the Celestials tree looks pretty good if you plan to play a more caster type build. I plan to run conduits. The extra cooldown is pretty neat and should benefit from Shaohao’s buffs from Sheilun’s Gift and Secret Infusion’s stat buffs I think it will be a fun talent tree to play with.

no difference in soomweaving and castweaving . its one and the same .

Here is an example m+ build

its quite skill demanding but extremely powerful healing wise, and with proper mana tea usage , mana is a non-issue . dps wise its great aswell . In TWW it gets even better, after some extensive testing on beta , its a joy to play it .

I fail to see the issue here. Womp womp.

Please stop spreading lies. “dps wise its great aswell . In TWW it gets even better”

You didn’t even fill out your class tree, but since you’re likely getting the statue, you’re probably not getting Ferocity of Xuen, and there’s no way you’re getting Resonant Fists.

This season, your damage trinket is doing 3/4 of your DPS. Tome is an outlier among damage trinkets, and you won’t be seeing anything like it in TWW, especially since Blizzard is lowering the effectiveness of damage trinkets for healers in TWW. Beyond that, Zen Pulse no longer does damage in TWW.

How can you, without lying through your teeth, say it gets even better in TWW???


I like both fist weaving and sooming. Being a pure caster as a monk i don’t think is in the cards at the moment.

Monk is a make range class like h pal is a melee range healer … you’re sort of expected to be in close range so you can still weave in damage. You can still choose less from that kit if you want but ultimately you’re just sacrificing damage for safety.