Bot solution?

Private servers did just fine removing bots, using some of the very things i mentioned. So tell us all more about your wrong opinion. The community as a whole(meaning hundreds/thousands of forum posts/comments/youtube videos/reddit threads) has spoken and the agreement is vast in scope…no one likes bots and they all wish they were gone. If the price of that is that a VERY select few can’t play wow in regions outside their country, then im confident it’s a price we would all gladly play. There are generally plenty of time zones within each region(play east coast servers when living on the west coast and vice versa etc etc) to allow for nearly everyone to be able to raid/play. You, and your friends are an extreme minority…luckily for you however blizzard is blatantly allowing botting to continue…but it doesnt mean you arent wrong.

There IS proof of this…3 different videos created showing bots in the green gear you get from boosting being the VAST majority of bots farming. Back in classic at least they had to actually level to 60, now they can literally log in and start farming gold. educate yourself before commenting.

Oh, well I didn’t know there were 3 different youtube videos on this! I should educate myself on youtube before coming to the forums. I also found 100’s of flat earth videos on youtube. Maybe I need to educate myself and rethink my positions on many subjects based on youtube videos! I mean it’s not like those guys would create misleading videos for clicks or anything.


laughable…i remember seeing fly hacking bots DAILY when i played classic, and those bots stuck around for MONTHS. The idea that the bots are ran using stolen accounts or credit cards is also a mostly false narrative. What they actually do is select a region where the currency exchange makes paying for an account extremely low and buy the account there, keeping the cost down. they do in fact pay for the account however as this allows them to play long enough to make a profit. During the period where multiboxing was allowed they even did this on multiple accounts.

There are some very high quality content creators on youtube, the videos are quite well done and break things down in a way that is very easy to understand. In fact blizzard is aware of this…several times they addressed issues these very content creators brought to light in their videos(mostly due to pressure from the community once somebody provided proof that something needed to be done)…but hey, if you prefer to bury your head in the sand then have at it =)

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Can you prove that this is false?

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Honestly, do you even believe the stuff you spew, or are you just trolling? :rofl: :rofl:

They were quite well done as a matter of fact, in depth and taking possible human error in identifying bots into account covering multiple servers in multiple regions. Offering blizzard the benefit of the doubt on many occasions. The hilariously sad part if the largest banwave blizzard has EVER done since classic released was on the heels of one of these videos going viral within the community. pressure from content creators/reddit/streamers(sadly) has been one of the few things that has forced blizzards hand these days. The fact remains bots did indeed buy the boost and continue to do so, but dont take my word for it…go out in the world to farming spots(especially on high pop servers) and observe the bots in teh green gear you get with a boost(it’s always the same so easy to spot). Anyone who knows how bots are actually used knew instantly that the level 58 boost would only help them, saying anything different is just ignorance. I wish this were not the case, but that won’t change the facts. The truth doesn’t care how you feel.

Pretty intense

This is why botting is so prevalent.

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