Bot solution?


Big ban wave on bots+bots buy more accounts=money

Bots+cheap materials=me happy

You put way too much thought into a video game

Lug nuts?

People make and play games and use games as a means of interaction.

I’m talking less about the game and more about the people within it.

Bot solution? Play on a server where bots won’t congregate to OR follow everybody else to the big ones and suffer the consequences.

The bots can be solved with very little effort…all that needs to be done is block VPN usage and region lock servers. This will instantly remove 99% of the bots. The fact that blizzard hasn’t done this one VERY simple thing is all you need to know in order to understand that keeping them around is intentional.


So you want to solve the bot problems by giving a small group of people power over a large community of players? And you don’t see how that would very easily - and very quickly - lead to much larger problems?

I’d rather not see Blizz create an in-game version of the Stanford prison experiment…

It would also remove countless legitimate players who choose to play on servers in other regions because of friends or because the hours they’re able to play don’t line up with the average raid times in their region. I play on a US east coast server, but in early Classic I had a few guildmates who lived in the middle east. They all worked graveyard shifts and if they were forced to play on servers from their region then they would have never be able to raid because their only free time was around 3am local time.

The community as a whole would gladly have you and your friends never play wow again if it meant no bots, sorry.

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Private servers run by volunteers in their spare time FOR FREE did a better job of handling bots than Blizzard is doing.

Blizzard doesn’t care because those bots are paying subs and increasing player metrics to please the stockholders

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Imagine attempting to pass off your opinion as that of the “community as a whole”. You vastly underestimate the number of players who choose to play on servers in different regions for various reasons, I merely gave one example of my recent experience. There are bots and gold farmers in almost every MMO out there and every single time gaming companies try to get rid of them, they just adapt and find new ways. They aren’t going anywhere and banning legitimate players in a futile attempt at stopping bots is only going to make the bot problem worse as the players start giving up and quitting.

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I multibox, so I get this a lot. One time I had a guy just run past me yelling “REPORTED FOR BOTTING!!!” without even talking to me. I just laughed with the guy standing next to me.

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So your proposed solution is to hire 10-20 “limited GMs” and pay them with game time? How many hours would you work every month to get $15?

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.25? Is that enough?

Because of the total incompetent way (sensing a growing trend at Blizzard these days) they are dealing with it. 3-6 months inbetween ban waves is ineffective. In those 3-6 months they have already made their money 1000x over what it costs for the sub and the boost and all they do is shrug and buy another boost account. There was a stream of a guy who showed how much profit he was making off of botting, to the tune of over 300k/YEAR. So if your business expense is at most is $420 a year, you can see that it is HILARIOUSLY profitable to run botting programs.

Blizzard also wants their sub fees, since it is a part of the “playerbase” for whom they literally have to do nothing, they dont open tickets, they dont go on the forums asking for changes or no changes, they dont care if things are glitchy or improperly tuned, they dont care about the lore, they simply let their characters play 24/7 and have the $$$ roll in.

For a company with the money and resources to be able to decently stamp out botting, letting it run this rampant, for this long, would raise red flags to anyone with an ounce of common sense that MAYBE Blizzard just doesn’t care and wants the $ from the subs and boosts.

Abso-freaking-lutely not.

I’m not about to get banned because I didn’t answer a “hey u real?” whisper in time. There is a solution for bots and gold sellers. WoW token. If Blizzard is the one that sells the gold, then the bots will vanish.

There is 0 proof for this. This is just an assumption.

Because they have to gather evidence to make sure they were banning the actual bots. It would be the end of the world if they banned tons of actual players for running ZF a dozen times in a week.

There’s a lot of armchair developers here that seem to know a whole lot about preventing something that plagues every MMO on the market.

Give me all the details surrounding how they’re dealing with it. Tell me what happens at Blizzard and why it doesn’t make sense to you.

Also let me know why I should trust the word of a streamer who is breaking the rules.

If WoW tokens are the best they can manage to fight the bots, just admit defeat and shut the servers down now.

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When you said “bot solution” I was thinking you had invented a new kind of bug spray.

You may be on to something…maybe we can sell a “bot solution” in a spray bottle. When people see a bot, they can spay their screen to make it go away!

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