Bot Farming

Someone told me i should post this in General Discussion,

Whatever is necessary to keep the community informative.

I have noticed an increase in Bot account activity in these locations. Bot accounts are program operate characters. They dont engage others but serve a purpose.

El’dranil Shallows in Azuna
Conqueror’s Terrace on the Isle of Thunder
Gorloc Shore in Azure Span
Hawthorne’s Plot in Drustvar
Felborne Outpost in Suramar
Zalamar/Sethrak Front in Nazmir

These are just some of the example areas where the mob turnover rates are high. This allows these “bot” accounts to operate freely and spam kill everything in sight nonstop.

Between four to eight level 60 Balance druid accounts with barely a handful of achievements that run through the area like on train tracks. They run in a circle or path and spam the same spells repeatedly. When their inventory is full they sell it all on the Reins of the Traveler’s Tundra Mammoth. Players don’t run and turn on a 90 angle.

I ask that as players traverse Azeroth and beyond to please keep an eye out for behavior.

Taking photos or screenshots and sending it to helps.

Someone posted a few days ago that they have seen this kind of behavior also in the Emerald Dream upon entering. If you notice, post locations that you see it. You can bet this behavior happens in the same location on multiple servers.

The more players know while traveling, hopefully they can help eliminate this behavior.

Another bit of player related bot farming are the new accounts that just happen to have purchased the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur. I’m referring to player accounts that have 0-2000 achieves.

How would player accounts that don’t even have the achievements for Got My Mind On The Money for 1k afford this mount? These are accounts that either were funded from gold farm bot accounts, or purchased gold illegally from 3rd party gold selling sites.

They are almost brand new accounts that have the aforementioned mount. They have them only in the same areas where bot accounts operate. You would never see them in the cities because they would be spotted and reported immediately.


I havent seen druids in these areas. Usually they are a group of a Brewmaster monk with the statue that pulls all mobs to the center. Two hunters or more spamming area arrow spray that again mass pulls everything. Then a mage that casts AOE spells to kill them all once in proximity.

Im sure they are also illegal accounts as the arrow spray and Mage AOE spells are literally timed. they casts every 3 or 5 seconds like clockwork.

Monk just uses Spinning Crane Kick when the are all close over and over.

Are they from the same server? Ive seen them from Mal’ganis, Area 52, Illidan, or Tichondrius.


I want Blizzard to start deputizing players to hunt down and eradicate the bot menace, if they aren’t going to do it themselves. This bureaucratic “email us @hacks” stuff is nonsense.

Let me take the law into my own hands!


This activity is enabled because these areas the mobs keep respawning so fast. It was vital when the area was used but once the addon becomes outdated the zones are still left intact allowing these spammers to operate freely.

I read a post about how all the “herb” locations in shadowlands were spawns in the same locations. That allowed druids bots to fly to them on a set path.

These bot accounts run the old dungeons nonstop to loot as much as possible. Run in kill, run out, sell. A repeated process. then they sell the gold or use it for their own accounts to get free time.

Must be the same ones that were in the one area top of map in Revendreth a week or so ago all from Illidan realm. Spam killing the hyper spawn quest mobs in area. I reported them. Took a few days, but finally got a ingame mail notice saying the reports led to actions against one or more players and accounts. Went back to that area to finish a quest there, and sure enough they were gone. All you can do is report and wait to see what happens.

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given player behavior on this forum, no way theyre ever going to turn players loose with a ban cannon. lmao


They were wrong. Report in game, submit a report ticket if you really feel like it, and move on after that. There is zero benefit to posting this in General Discussion.

I am not saying this can’t be the case, but I do want to point out that this is a method by legitimate players to goldfarm together. The goldfarming communities even have discords that they advertise which are meant to allow these players to find their “tank” (monk) and dps.

This is also a goldfarming tactic by legitimate farmers.

I mention these quotes not as a “This isn’t a problem”/argument, but to highlight how complex the issue actually can be: Legitimate players who enjoy goldfarming use the same tactics of farming as the bots are exploiting, the only difference being that these players are only doing the activity while they’re playing. They don’t have a computer running the content non-stop, but they do the same farms because (if they can beat the bot to it, or if it’s instanced like an old dungeon) it’s lucrative.

I’m not here to argue in defense of botting, because it’s detrimental to all aspects of gameplay. I just wanted to point out that there is some overlap between legitimate players who just happen to enjoy earning their fantasy currency and bots in regards to how the game is “played” (I use this term lightly since bots can’t truly play, but the real players most certainly are).

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While true i’d stand down in zerelek caverns just for the fun of it and ban all the bots down there.

There was a large ban wave that was sent out to the bots using some unlocker but take this with a grain of salt.

I dont know if there are bots using that specific unlocker in the OP’s locations he has posted.

I have seen some less bots in Zaralek with war mode off a couple of days ago where a month ago they were rampant, used to be like 10 to 15 bots there, now 5 from my last visit.

But then these bots will be back in a couple of days once they figure out how to bot undetected.

If they are new new accounts, how could they have purchased the Bruto? It isn’t for sale now.

And this is very true. An example would be farming for herbs in Darkheart Thicket. On a druid it takes about 5 minutes to get 100+ Dreamleaf. So you go in, sneak past the first boss then kill all the mobs before Oakheart, use the druid ability from Legion to port out, port back to the start, reset and run again, until your dungeon number for the day runs out. You can earn thousands of herbs in a day. I’ve done it myself for Inscription. Its not just bots.

The only way it is obtainable is through the BMAH but it can go for gold cap and whenever the botters want to spend 10 million on it is their decision but considering bots run 24/7 and can make gold faster then anyone I dont think 10 million is a big deal to them.

Has it been on the BM lately? Or often? Ive never seen it.

I think I remember it being there at least but I did look online if it was still obtainable through BMAH but it got stealth removed in 2021.

If it was stealth removed in 2021 and these botters are somehow getting them in 2024 it begs the question.

If they have a Bruto, chances are they are not a bot. Why would they waste gold when they could sell that gold, which is what botters are for.

I have been called a bot numerous times over the years, simple cuz I get…ahem…medicated, and focus on something instead of replying to every whisper I get.

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The Bruto Mount is still available on the BMAH, but there several new accounts, those with less than 2k achieves, that purchased it back during BFA. The bot farmers mail/trade items that they then mass sell on the AH. And they mass sell so the items are usually cheap to buy only because they mass farm them. Then everyone buys the cheap items which makes them instant sales for increased revenue. Why try to sell an item for a high price when you can sell dozens of the same item and rake in gold faster.

New (low achievement) accounts with the bruto sounds like multiboxers, which can be bots, but aren’t necessarily bots, or even breaking the rules, depending on how they multibox.


Most players don’t even know what a bot is.

The average player calls a multiboxer a bot.

I like to place down cushions and other toys for them to interact with, I know it’s barely an inconvenience for them in the grand scheme of their botting. But it makes me feel better.