Bot Farming

A dead giveaway for bot account behavior is when i do a Druid search and see 8-10 druids operating in the same low level area like Frostfire Ridge or Hellfire Penninsula.

I noticed 8 bot accounts all with the same name but ending in a different letter
(Account Name)(a)
(Account Name)(b)
(Account Name)(c)
(Account Name)(d)
(Account Name)(e)


These are the easiest to spot and report.

Currently dealing with this group right now. I have that quest to complete there talking to the mobs they’re targeting and I can’t even complete it thanks to the bots taking them down so fast.

names like that, i’d bet my toasty socks that it’s a multiboxer.

bot names are more like… a cat walking across the keyboard.


They need to license out an anti-cheat at this point from a 3rd party.

It’s clear they don’t have the staff or manpower or developers with the skills to deal with this issue.

Try making a Panda DK and watch all the newly made characters constantly stream into the game nonstop. Their names are mostly nonsense jumbled letters. Its like there’s a bot making more bots at a factory.

During pre-patch I’ve found 3 groups of 8 bots each. 2 groups of 8 bots in Revendreth and 1 set of 8 in Nazmir. All alliance druids. I spend a large chunk of time farming kills and they dont seem to mind; more importantly they don’t stop. Been going strong since last Thursday.

We once had these players…they were called “gms”