Bot activity spike

01000010 01101111 01110100 01110000 01101111 01100011 01100001 01101100 01111001 01110000 01110011 01100101 00100001 01000010 01101111 01110100 01110000 01101111 01100011 01100001 01101100 01111001 01110000 01110011 01100101 00100001


There are a lot more players out in the world leveling also, so there is that. As players join the bots follow.

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Stop acting as though you are out there personally vetting people. You said you did a /who. That does not in any way show you the pets names. Unless you are standing outside the entrance, then you are assuming and to be honest, if anyone whispered me asking if I was a bot while on my hunter once I hit 60, I would report them for harrassment.
As for your weird supposition that I am defending bots, I am not. I am saying that your methods suck and that you should probably get your head out of your posterior. You make assumptions. I see enough bots running around that are identifiable bots to report.

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And you defend bots.

I am making assumptions. That the majority of those guideless rogues and hunters are bots. It’s not my job to provide proper information, that’s Blizzards. I can rant and make all the assumptions I want.

Big difference between me and you is I’m right in my stance. You’re just being difficult and wrong because you like to be. “tHaT dOeSnT mEaN tHeYrE bOtS”

Who are these bots defenders? Are there bots out there who just come out and play what about ism to bot topics. Bots are really easy to spot. Blizzard just don’t give a toss

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I have 8 accounts. On one of those 8, I’ll run do a DMT run on my hunter and let LTP auto invite people for buffs and reclear every two hours.

I’m barely responding to people asking for buffs, let alone someone who PM’s me “you botting?”

Guess I’m a bot though according to your incredible analysis and deduction skills. Honestly, why aren’t you in charge of blizzards anti-bot team?

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Good for you.

I hardly know that many people with 3 accounts, let alone 8. How many other players have 8 accounts and do you what you do?

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You can tell who’s real and what’s a bot based on name alone. Even rp-ish names follow a logic. And three character names like Cza or whatever are less suspicious than they might seem but.

Dkjdjjk and their pet boar “Boar” killing thunderlizards in the S. Barrens for hours, then running to the closest vendor in camp t. then running back to kill more lizards and zhevras…WELL

Blizzard just needs to suspend the accounts that bought gold for a month when TBC just to let everyone else catch up.

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There’s a certain genre of internet person who has a gland in their brain that makes them play devils advocate and invent the most bizarre and reaching “what if” scenarios for the most ridiculous and common sense discussions.

“Hey there are so many bots in DM and UBRS what do we do??”

“Ok well what if someone owns 16 accounts and plays all 16 characters with nonsense gibberish names on 16 different computers for 6 hours straight with literally no break. Mind your own business fascist.”