Bot activity spike

I am telling you that lead toon takes the exact path every single time. I will make it a personal goal to record them in mass.

That is my issue.

You can clearly check all my posts during classic launch and even retail to see my pro-stance on mboxing.

And if this is all that’s happening, it is better than gold farmers BUT, it’s still wrong. Which is just my opinion.

Moral high ground and all :stuck_out_tongue:

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That’s the problem. Not saying you’re wrong. However, I do believe there’s a saying about assumptions.

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Enjoy, Ahab.


If someone ever whispered me “are you botting?” I would not respond either, but I would report them for harassment. :slightly_smiling_face:


Beep boop.

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Yes. This is a better indication. I do agree that there are an increasing number of bots as I have seen them running around like this. The reason I disagree with the OPs methods is that he is presuming that anyone who is a rogue pickpocketing in BR or a hunter in DM is a bot especially as they don’t whisper him back. To be perfectly honest, if someone whispers me an ignorant question like that while I am on my hunter I ignore them. Doesnt make me a bot. Running around with 4 linked, grouped, and likewise rando names who are actually multiboxing does mean someone is a bot.

That is a very good idea.

Oh for sure.

Just this morning I was in Arathi on my Pally doing the circle for Iron ore. A hunter who is trucking around chaeta mode sends me a tell

Beeep boob mothertrucker. .

I was like. . excuse me? They then tried to argue I was still a bot.


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Finally, you admit it.

Beep boop.


Dang it!!

I just hurt my back putting together a new chair I purchased to not hurt my back!!

Curse you age!!!



My kid who was just a baby when I started playing this stupid game just got into her dream college yesterday. And I was old when we had her.

It hurts just to type.

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Oh, I hear you.

Both of my daughters are older than most of the posters in here. My oldest is pushing 30 and, I am still not sure how I feel about that.


I’m a druid. I sprint, I stealth, but most importantly I steal all your herbs.


Welcome to old age my friend. Welcome to old age. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Is your hunter named something like Hsoidjns and your pet has Chinese letters as the name?

What about the 4 rogues in Feralas with me all auto running attacking mobs near them? Everyone in this game is just ignoring the other players? Everyone in this game acts like a bot?

Why are you defending bots? Obviously not all the rogues and hunters are bots.

Stop ignoring my question. Stop inferring information wrong. You’re getting your panties in a bunch about it.

That has never been proof of anyone botting or not botting. There is no rule that says someone has to reply to some random whispering them. Someone not answering could be someone not even looking at their chat window. Someone answering could be botting but at their computer to answer randoms like yourself to “hide” their botting.

Sending whispers to players doesn’t prove anything. it doesn’t give Blizzard useful information. Right-click and report them. You don’t need to strike up a conversation with them.

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If some chucklehead whispers me and asks if I am a bot, I always respond with: “010010010010000001100001011011010010000001101110011011110111010000100000011000010010000001100010011011110111010000101110”


Very nice!!

And yes, I translated it :smiley:

I might be making a macro right now!!!



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Lol. the sky net is coming.