Boralus Portal missing in Silithus

Opened the portal room, did the quests leading into the Chamber of heart. The portal has not spawned. I did do the quests in improper order due to the bug that stopped the guard from giving the BFA lead in. I am now on the BlackPrince quest line and the portal has yet to show up.


I have the portal to go from Boralus to Silithus, just not one to return. Seems to have disappeared.

I ahve the same issue on my new level 50 rogue. did the initial heart quest and the Nazjatar essence quest. I have the Portal from Borealus to Silithus but no return portal

Same here my newly leveled 50 warrior has this exact same problem. I can get to Magni’s Encampment just fine, but every time I have to hearth to get back to Borealus. None of my other characters (which were 120 prior to pre-patch) has this issue.

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I wonder if the portal is linked to the completion of the Battle for Lordaeron questline which is no longer available. I think the Undercity and Darnassus refugees are still linked to the completion of that questline and will no longer spawn for new characters.

I am also having this issue on a new level 50 warlock that I leveled in Legion instead of BFA. I’m glad I am not the only one but man what a pain!

I’m also having that issue. Fresh level 50, leveled with chromie time, got my level 50 neck and still no portal back to Boralus from Silithus

Portal is there for me. But the timewalking npc in Vale of Eternal Blossoms is missing for me. No method to return to present time.

Same problem here on my fresh lv 50. Got my neck to 50 and no portal from silithus to boralus.

Same here on my fresh 50 dwarf shaman.

This happened to me on a new level 50. I found another thread that stated that you needed to complete the quests in Boralus up to and including the point where you choose your first questing zone at the scouting map, I think it’s called “A Nation Divided.” As soon as I completed that (despite having done the Nazjatar chain and the first cloak quest already), the portal back to Boralus appeared in Silithus. So, even if you don’t plan to quest there, complete this quest!


Still a problem as of 2023-03-16. And, yes, I completed “A Nation Divided” as it is now offered earlier on. This is an account that never did any BFA content prior to this. Completed the BFA intro and the initial zone selection, “A Nation Divided” completed and also received the quest for the Heart of Azeroth which I had to use the Caverns of Time and fly to Silithus and then received it. And no portal. So there is some other trigger for accounts that did no BFA content when it was current.

the Uldum portal would have been closer.

I will have her try toggling Zidormi to past and back to current timeline again. As, otherwise, all is true. Alliance level 70 (she did boost her paladin to 60 and had never done BFA so I am guessing this may be yet-another unintended consequence of level 60 (dragonflight) boost where a character that was never level 50 never triggered that checkmark but did complete that quest and the entire intro as well as being 70 (60-70 never below) and in current timeline.

Likely untested boost side effect in BFA.