cAn’T Do iT bEcAuSe Of LoRe!!!
I’m confused. I see boots on my Draenei. They just don’t cover the hard hoof part. But I see the tops of all of my boots. And there are a few pairs from Legion and BfA that cover the hooves entirely.
No. Draenai are already just too awesome. Not having feet mogs is a reason to try other toons - don’t remove the only reason!!
The Tomb of Sargeras pally tier has plate that goes over hooves/paws.
You can find the whole normal set to wear as any plate class, paladin heavy theme obviously.
But they do crack and chip, or become too brittle for the nail to go in properly. That’s where hoof boots come in handy. Also a good alternative if the horse has laminitis and navicular disease. Hoof boots are also useful if you prefer to keep your horses barefoot, but you need something that gives the same benefits of horse shoes.
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they cover hooves?
yes, fully
Well, if they are supposedly giving us all these extra customization options in the expansion, letting us have a toggle to show or hide footwear shouldn’t be too big a deal. I’ve seen troll npcs in island expeditions that have boots that cover their feet so I don’t see why they can’t extend the option to us.