It’s almost as if the forums have run out of ideas of things to demand. Let’s make some more demands! I think Taurens should be able to wear pool noodles on their horns! Or how about socks on the horns!
…I like this kinda
They actually put pool noodles on the horns of goats to reduce ramming danger. But joking aside, yeah that would look silly.
I can confirm that bad goats get pool noodles for horns. I have family members with farms and have seen them do this lol…
Due to the nature and shape of a hoof, boot armor would probably just look wonky if it were to cover the entire hoof. Not to mention Blizzard would have to make a new model for every boot in the game to make them visible on a hoof, and I daresay that’s pretty low on their priority list, if at all.
Yeah I agree shamans will never be viable for top tier raiding.
Just kidding I missed you Nyaria I miss you throwing stuff at me
Now your just making me feel depressed.
I know it’s possible. I’ve seen the demons in Argus that have hoof armor.
Check out Radiant Lightbringer Armor if you want boots for hooves but I think it looks bad personally.
Yes and sorry for the long link:
Big oof, just tried dressing up in it on WoWhead.
I guess I know why we don’t have any more of those!
In all of the years of seeing horses, with a family history spanning back 150 years of horse ranching and with dozens of friends with horses and farms, I’ve never once seen this before…
Interesting. I’ve owned horses for only 32 years and I’ve seen them from time to time. They’re situational. I don’t use them but my horses don’t need them.
Well in my 33 years of dealings with them, in both the northern climates and the southern climates, I’ve never seen them used.
Must be some new hipster stuff made by people that anthropomorphize animals and think their feet must get cold just because human feet do at that temperature.
No but I’ve seen hooves that cover hands. Moonguard will make extensive use of this im sure.
New profession, Hooves Tender
Making hoof shoes and adornments
Ok that’s nice. Doesn’t mean they don’t exist.
My understanding is people with older horses or horses with bad feet use them. I knew a lady that had a horse in his 30s and she put them on him. Just to make him comfortable in his last years but yeah you’re right, she was just some soft hipster that was doing the new age thing. I bet you still use a rotary phone
Just saying that they aren’t common enough to really be a thing.
That’s what horseshoes are for. A hoof is a giant finger nail. There are only nerves near the roots. You don’t need to wrap a giant finger nail in leather. They evolved to handles temperature extremes just like how an alaskan wolf doesn’t need little leather booties to live their lives in the snow 24/7.
The lady was mostly doing it to make herself feel better because again, it’s a case of anthropomorphization. I’d bet money that if they did some brain scans, they would show zero difference with or without them on.
And no, I’m 33 years old. I’ve been exposed to and have dealt with animals since I was a toddler.
LOL so a piece of metal is needed but not leather. Anything you put on a horse’s foot is unnatural.
A wolf is a wild animal, a horse is not. The only wild horses left in the world is in Russia, IIRC. Anyways, a wolf doesn’t need to be fed, doesn’t need worming, doesn’t need a vet… a domesticated animal, like a cow and/or horse, needs all that. Bad comparison.
Roads and pavement don’t exist in the wild. They haven’t had time for natural selection to drive a change in their feet.
A horse is a wild animal, we just domesticate them. Even if captively bred, they still haven’t had enough time to evolve changes in their foot structures.
Yes, it can be detected with things like fMRIs.
we do have boots for hoof races, the blizzcon wendigo costume