Boosts INC?

Why does Tiawan get boosts but we cant apply that same service to the rest of the regions. Dont make it region specific. If you allowed boosts, I can tell you, Id buy 2 boosts right off the bat.

I dont want to play classic, I want to play Wrath. Spending 2 months to level in classic is nonsense. If I wanted to spend 2 months in Classic, Id go play classic.


I think it’s a cultural difference.

Cashing out on games is super normal in the asian region.
But here in US , you have a bunch of Boomers who’d scream louder than my neighbor’s toddler & would rather lose their left nut than allow others to play the way they themselves see fit.

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I agree and think there are a lot of arguments for this at this point. Especially for servers that were locked for 6 months (no new players and forced into a declining pop)

Can’t you just play on the Thai servers? Or doesn’t it work that way?

You would need to start fresh with a Taiwanese account.

because the Chinese servers had them before they shut down, and the majority of Chinese players went over to the Taiwan servers so they gave them the same service.

Boosts should have never came to any version of the Classic client, period.


Why are there over 300 flavors of KitKats in Japan and not here? Life is different in different parts of the world.

thank you for your feedback

There is a shop in the Bronx that sells all 300 :person_shrugging:.

There are jobs, apartments, etc in Tiawan if someone prefers to live over there? :man_shrugging:

Why would you move there if you can get the Kit Kats here in the Bronx?

Didn’t realize that Tiawan was Japan or under administrative control of Japan still. My understanding of history is that Tiawan was placed under the control of China in 1945 I think?

Are you on drugs by chance? We are talking about Kit Kats. Don’t know what Geopolitics has to do with chocolate bars. Did I miss something?

It makes no financial sense not to offer as many boost as anyone wants. Blizzard is missing a huge way of making money, I work a lot and hate the grinding from level 1, I would pay for boost just to save me time. I don’t care what anyone else thinks, if I spend my money I can play the way I want. Now that Blizzard is ban in China a big source of revenue, you would think they would be happy to get more money. Everyone may not agree, but I could care less about anyone’s opinion.

Kit kats or not, it doesnt seem fair to allow them to get tokens, and boosts while we get nothing.

I’m a bit taken back by your comment. You should read through the entire thread and get back to me.

Are you confusing yourself? Let me refresh your memory. You brought up Kit Kats and I informed you that your statement about them was incorrect and that I can get them from the Asian Food market right here in the Bronx

You got angry and told me to move to Taiwan.

Then you brought up something that I can only attribute to a drunken stupor.

Concerned, I inquired about your state of mind and purpose.

Please try to stay on topic. Conversational continuity is essential for society to exist. Circumventing these rules can lead to a breakdown in communication. Which is the way you want it. So I guess you get it.

Well I don’t like it anymore than you men.

Jokes on them, honestly. Boosting more characters and throwing more money at blizzard isnt suddenly going to make WOTLK Classic worth playing.

Yea I think your ability to understand is not exactly well developed.
I’ll try to attempt to help you though:

  1. Someone asked they have tokens in Tiawan and not in the US and I replied (not to you) they also have 300 flavors of kitkats in Japan and not in the US. Exact same logic but again, not addressed to you.

  2. I am taken back by your comment, my state of mind is sound but thanks for asking.

  3. Someone (not you again) stated you can buy those KitKats in NY some place why move to Tiawan – I replied those Kitkats I referred to were in Japan. Tiawan and Japan are not the same thing at all…Further if you wanted those things offered in Tiwan, you could move there - they have jobs, houses, etc that is also an option. Maybe not a good option but an option none-the-less.

It seems as though you think I’m speaking to you or referring to you…I’m not. Nor did I ever get “mad at you” and “tell you to move to Tiawan”. Please top projecting and stop with your non-sense… I have no further free time to devote to someone who wants to argue.
