The Title Says it all! I am absolutely furious with this! HOW DARE YOU INFEST OUR BELOVED “CLASSIC” GAMES WITH BOOSTS! So anyone currently grinding an alt to 60, spending countless hours, means nothing in what Blizzard’s so-called “Classic” version of TBC! AN ABOMINATION! I Cannot even describe the amount of disgust I have for you people even mentioning the words “Boost” and “Classic” together! YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED AND DISGRACED BY THE ENTIRE CLASSIC COMMUNITY!
**TO ADD: Back when TBC originally came out, players were not given the choice to skip 99% of the base game, with level 58 character boosts. When you purchased TBC, there was a disclaimer on the box saying World of Warcraft base game NEEDED for play. If you were a new player that decided to join WoW during TBC back then, you purchased the game and created a character starting at LEVEL 1 like everyone else. And that is how it should be now going into TBC “CLASSIC”.
Classic has and always should be about PLAYING the game, not boosting.
60% mount speed, dungeon blues (99% chance the armor will be T0 dungeon set) no profession boost, and only to 58.
Furthermore in TBC you need less EXP to go from 1 to 60 and quests give more EXP. So it takes less time in TBC to level from 1 to 60 than in Classic 1 to 60.
It promotes player growth were friends of mine who had 0 interest in Classic can come and play Classic TBC where they wan’t to play Classic TBC.
Most of us only have 1 account. But ya I’m sure people who already have a 60 of every class will just have it for tailor/alchemy CD’s. Which would in theory reduce the price of spellcloth etc.
all it does is lines blizzard pockets with more cash, just like how they’re charging people who want to go/‘stay’ on the Classic Era servers. why not offer more free options like servers xfers, and then get people to play and level together like the game was intended
That charge is if you want to Duplicate you character.
For example my hunter Dwarfhunter-Mankrik will choose to either go to TBC Classic or stay in Classic. OR I can pay a small fee to have him on both TBC Classic and Classic.
I’m only going to use it on hunter and move all my other characters to TBC since my hunter is my most geared (and favorite) character in Classic.
doesn’t bother me at all. Only to 58, 1 per account, & no BE or dranei. I already have 4 lvl60’s in classic, I don’t really need to run through all the same quests & content for a 5th time.
The leveling meta is already paid to win. People pay mages tons of gold to go from 1-60 in little time while they AFK. I think you’re mad because it means fewer customers for you lol.
Not to mention they get 60% mount speed, no profession boost, oh and the dungeon blues they get is 99% likely to be T0 so not even good dungeon blues.
I’ve got 3 60’s in classic and IF I use a boost it will probably be for a class I wouldn’t want to level or sucks to level from 1 to 60 like pally/warrior. I’d probably use it for a warrior, I’ve already leveled my paladin from 1-60.
you are lazy and shouldn’t even be playing classic wow. I saw your other posts. You just want to be “good” without putting in the effort. There is retail for that.
Eh I’m not lazy, I’ve leveled 3 60’s A Mage, a Hunter, and a Paladin. Leveling Pally is the worse to level as especially in phase 4 and beyond like I did.
Cleared BWL of my mage and hunter, hunter did AQ40 full and stepped and did some of Naxx but got bored and have been waiting for TBC. Just as I am burned out with Retail and waiting for 9.0.5. (I play both equally).
Also Retail is hard, Heroic/Mythic Raids, over 1800 rating in PvP and higher than Mythic 15+ dungeons are hard and challenging. LFR/LFD and WQ’s on the other hands you can do while asleep.
says who? hehe
i dont mind either way as i dont do player dungeon boosts. i level the old fashioned way. but since i can boost one character, i’m gonna do it! i have so many chars i’m leveling. i do a level a day for my second mage, a holy pally, a druid, a lock, a priest and a hunter. my first mage is 60. and i’d like to level a couple draenei too. one character boost is certainly a drop in the bucket comparatively!