Boosting the XP Gains Creates Another Problem

Timewalking badges to buy the upgrade tokens is the way to go with the Heirlooms. During the one week per month when the vendor happens to be up, anyway.

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Just wait til Tues and level in the event

Tw is every other week

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I got lucky with 2 item drops and I went from “enemies are mildly annoying” to “enemies are a pushover”. Two or more enemies and I have to keep Mend Pet on cooldown.

After, I’m pulling 4-5 enemies at once and they all die within 6 seconds.

It’s actually kind of ridiculous how fast it changes.

That and BM hunter, once it’s wearing appropriate gear, seems stupidly OP anyhow.

which works just fine, especially in dungeons.

if you’re doing alts, TW gets lots of badges and it takes 4 partial sets to complete.

rings , necks, cloaks weapons share.

never had a problem.

When did they change that?

It used to be one week per month.

There you have it. Not everyone likes the same game play.

uh. I’m always low in ilvl.

As you are a player who loves working the AH and thinks everybody else should prioritize grinding gold, it’s hard to imagine your ilvl even matters, since you sit on your butt in the capital city.

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At least t most of df, probably around the time they stopped having pet battles as their own event

What was fun last week when I leveled this character was seeing three polearms as WQ rewards.

As a marksman hunter :man_facepalming:

These don’t appear until 70.

They didn’t. It’s about every third week. Depending on how the calendar plays out, sometimes you get them twice per month - in August, we’ll get them at the beginning and end of the month.

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Oh, yeah, I love that too.

Or you’re a caster and it’s dagger dagger dagger dagger, with zero offhands. Like, WTF am I supposed to do with all of these daggers?

Oh right. My warrior dinged 70 and I saw a money quest come up… I do know, that they give you WQs that only give you dragon isles supplies, and rep commendations though… which is kinda stupid. I’m trying to level a character up. If I wanted to grind rep, I’d do it on my levelled and geared character, kthx. Or I’d go do the questlines on alts.

You’re making some assumptions about someone you do not know, maybe don’t do that. Also, your assumptions are wrong. You have no idea how I play this game.

I’m sorry you feel the need to insult anything you don’t find interest with. That’s your problem not mine.

Money supply will get tight again very soon anyway as the DF rewards will get hit with the nerf bat and prices of TWW goods climb as we head into S1. Might as well enjoy them while you have them. (Especially given the warband bank unlock prices) :smiley:

Especially now this week since 60-70 was nerfed so much in terms of how much XP we need.

RIP to those lvl boosters for gold.

I’m neither and a couple of thousand gold is really nothing.


I am getting so sick of my Trade chat being turned on when I KNOW I turned it off… carry this, carry that, I mean, WTF is the point of Mythic+ when you can just buy a carry? Or heck, they were even selling raid clears too.

That’s one of the reasons why I could never take raiding or m+ seriously, because of the people just buying carries.

I have 1,500,000 across my characters on Moon Guard. Sure, I have the couple thousand, but I didn’t get that money by just throwing money at every problem.

People who have money, who didn’t come upon a sudden windfall, didn’t amass their money by being stupid with money. This is why people who win the lottery almost always end up ruined; they never learned how to properly handle money.

Dropping thousands on gear you’d only use for 2 hours is stupid.

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You’re right that I misread as “Gets leveling right” instead of “Gets leveling gear right”.

Leveling gear still applies to my later comment though of:

And while I agree that it’s a working bandaid, what it covers up is the lack of tangible open world progression, and the easy and often overlooked reality of how scaling functions at different game breakpoints.

Thanks for keeping me honest :slight_smile:

I think it is worth mentioning that the concept of using a currency like Bronze that is gotten from most activities to upgrade gear while you level up, is an awesome idea.

And just like Remix, limits could be placed on how far you can upgrade gear.

We don’t have to 1:1 copy the entire Remix formula. Just borrow concepts from it.

Heck, DF almost does that, but… not quite, with the flightstones n stuff.

It’s just, you don’t get enough currency to really be upgrading your gear on any regular basis until you are max level.

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Because by this point in the gear progression, leveling is considered arbitrary or inconsequential. The “game” is all packaged into the endgame instead.

The Classic Boomers would say, leveling is all about the journey. But in Retail, leveling is (best case scenario) well-tuned on day one and (worst case scenario) okay as an inconvenience to encourage boost sales. They give “free” tokens every expansion upsell now too, instead of improving the quality of experience of older content.