Boosting services are now against EULA?!?!

I do play the game.

I don’t see what you are seeing. Which server? Faction? Be more precise.

You are posting a wall of text that is not even tied to any factual information.
Stop posting for a second.
Be more assertive.

Where are you seeing this spam? On retail? You’re posting in the wrong forum.

Are you seeing this on TBC?

On TBC we use discord mostly to organize groups. Faerlina and Benediction have their respective discord servers. There is also a pug hub for Faerlina GDKPs/Pug runs where players do organize themselves with groups and runs.

There is no acceptance nor is it allowed to pay anything with real cash.
Gold is the only currency and RMT is disallowed.

Boosting IS NOT against EULA.
Any guild or friends can sell carries / boosts. What is disallowed are cross-realm organizations using low level characters as escrows / advertisement.

Try to read the existing blue posts instead of spamming the forums.