Boosting saved WoW

To be frank, there’s not much to argue. OP’s reasoning is sound. Perhaps it didn’t save WoW, but it sure helped to keep a lot of us engaged and subbed :slight_smile:

So does your vision blur every time someone advertises a service in chat?

If that makes you happy, so be it. Spend that money. We dont care.

But if you think paying a huge money is the way to enjoy this game, you are very wrong.

WoW is a huge game. Playing everything on it would require so much time.

How do I play WoW? I spend my time doing dungeons over and over to improve my gear. That covers most of my play time. I was with an elite raiding guild… from BWL to Naxx40.

But to beat the hardest dungeons, i need to have supplies too… gold, consumables, enchants, runes. I have to farm for these resources too to supply my needs for dungeons. And it covers some of my play time.

When i was a hardcore, i was not only doing dungeons and resource grind, i was also playing with my toys i got from dungeons on PvP. I remember i was among the first to use Zinrokh, Destroyer of Worlds, my favorite toy aside from PvP sets. It covers a lot of time.

I remember one time, my work requires me to extend my time at the office. I lost play time hours. So my PvP play time went bye bye. And my play time for grinding resources go bye bye too. But i have to keep my raiding. I dont want to give up my raid slot. I have to go to my raid for 3 weeks without consumables? It wont happen. I looked for Chinese farmers then becoz WoW token was not born yet at that time. Their dealings are under the table. It’s risky to deal with this people. But i have to do what i got to do. I was able to get gold.

After 3 weeks, my job schedule went to normal and my play time on WoW went Normal again.

I played WoW too much. It has to be done. I enjoyed my Vanilla hardcore experience… We reached Naxx40, i got Lt Commander. I was DPS tanking with 2H sword the 45 min Baron Stratholme run carrying PuGs for free.

Yeah, i spent real money when i need it so I could continue my fun on playing WoW. I didnt spend my money to have somebody play for me… sorry i am not that stupid.

Up to now, i still play WoW. But as Casual. Casual means i still do dungeons. Resources farming on modern WoW is easy as it is raining gold. This is something i appreciate on modern WoW.

And that’s fine. But its called “Pay to Win” if you earn everything with money that people put effort into getting. Like boosting for mythics, boosting for raids, boosting for mounts, arenas. Boosting for achievements. Boosting for gear in general.

Yeah but why should those, cough in your words. “Immature, juvenile and unemployed” people put in the effort into earning what you can just throw money at? Its what kills MMO’s. They did this blatantly in Tera, loved it so much. The 20+ servers turned into a single server in no time. Its not YOU people who throw money at the boosting services that keep it alive but the rest who play a lot of it. You’re only here because of them. Otherwise, if the servers were empty and everyone was busy living their life and no one was really playing wow. Would you really get on to get those e-flex mounts, gear or achievement ratings? Who are you gonna flex to. Better yet, who is going to even be boosting you if no one is playing this anymore lmao.


Anyone with common sense knows that in order to be a pay to win game that blizzard has to offer the service in an in game menu.

Players offering an in game service is not blizzard being pay to win.

Even then they aren’t winning. They are paying to catch up.

Yes, WoW is pay to win - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (

There you go.

I’d much rather work an extra 5-6 hours at work and buy multiple boosts over mindlessly runnung around Korthia opening up boxes and killing rares for trash 252 gear.

Not saying boosting is good but the open world gearing is so boring that I’d rather go to work than engage it.

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And he’s still just as wrong.

I don’t think so.

Complexity Limit Spent 331 Million Gold During Race to World First Castle Nathria - Wowhead News

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Well your first mistake was thinking.


The evidence is all there.

Pay to win elements are present.

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They still aren’t winning though :man_facepalming:t3:

Why would you let yourself be manipulated into spending real money for pixels on a screen? You are making some of the world’s worst sort of people rich.

That’s supposed to be fun!! Crawling and exploring in nooks and crannies for treasures endlessly!

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I was putting away a whole case of Guinness all weekend. I don’t drink no label or Schaeffers.

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It’s ok to be wrong dude.


I’m not wrong.

I’d explain to you in detail how you don’t understand what an actual pay to win model is and how blizzard doesn’t qualify with WoW but you’re just here to troll and it won’t go anywhere.

Plus I know your desperate for a W after being downright blasted in that other thread.

If you spent as much gold gearing a character in Diablo Immoral as you said you were going to, you wouldn’t be a “millionaire” of any sort. One guy spent 600 million gold by turning it to $48k bnet balance to gear his character, which is less than 10% of what the actual monetary cost for bis on one character would be in that game.

Huh? When did I say I was going to gear characters in DI?

Your own denial could also constitute as a form of trolling.

Though lets not split hairs here on conduct. The fact remains that services are being purchased and instances do exist where gold is bought through real money, meaning that pay to win services do exist and to deny that it isn’t taking place in the fashion I just described is downright ignorance or delusion.