Boosting is P2W, simple

No, wow tokens made the game P2W.

It’s not a one way street. There is gold getting dumped back in the token system. What do you suggest, that they remove token? Then you just removed all the players that depend on it to play the game whilst bringing back the issue that created the token in the first place.

some of the best players in the world buy raid boosts to gear alts quickly and without hassle.

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So that means in my own way I’m right to say it is P2W then.

Yes. You think it’s right because that your opinion. However, it might or might not be objectively true.

You know, I think the argument against boosting is kind of outweighed by the positives. I think pay to win doesn’t truly exist in this game simply because skill is required for whatever is accomplished.

Let’s say someone is carried through M+ 15’s and gets the hurdled-by-elitist-pricks mount and gear…

Will the carried start running M+ 15’s by his or herself? No… might try and be discovered that the person sucks, but no… (<— that is a negative though)

Are they going to take on the current tier raid on Mythic difficulty? Probably, but it will be discovered that they’re a bad player.

In the end time is wasted. It’s no different than the current meta…

Didn’t we have all this same argument out over the guardian cub?

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I can see that. Getting a raid funnel for a full clear probably guarantees/guaranteed you at least a handful of upgrades.

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Boosting to me isn’t pay to win.

Its pay to skip ahead.

Pay to Win indicates that unless I pay money on something, I can’t acquire that gear in any other manner and that that gear is somehow better than what can be earned in game. Boosting isn’t that.

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Their sub their choice. If they want to choose to use tokens or get boosted by someone to get achieves or gear or whatever, good luck to them. And if others who legitimately worked on those achieves and gear want to laugh at and discredit the boosters for taking the easy way out, more power to them too. Both approaches are certainly allowed :slight_smile:


They won’t. I would say it’d be good for the game, but they won’t because its a . I’m not suggesting anything, I’m just calling a spade a spade.

That’s not my problem. In fact I can’t even begin to explain how little I care about this aspect of the problem. Plenty of other games, like FF14, function without it and have a cheaper sub than WoW. Why you even think this would merit an argument is actually beyond me. Like I’m going to sacrifice game integrity so some people can play a game for free they otherwise wouldn’t.

Before everything went cross realm and the LFG tool was implemented in WoD I think people on smaller servers may not have been aware of how widespread it was on larger servers.

Since WoD though everything is cross realm. Then Legion adds mythic+, which is ripe for boosting just because it’s an accessible, no lockout, strong gear content. Which is great for regular players too of course.

No ever made the claim that boosting isn’t P2W. Why did you even make this thread?

Gold does not equate to player power in any capacity.

Is the bar for winning so low that it includes having more gold than another person?

FF14 doesn’t have competitive endgame. Consumables are easy to make as you have access to all jobs on one character. Vendor mats seldom exist.

You can’t even begin to compare.

Though it’s funny you mention FF14 out of all MMO, that actually has P2W in the form of extra retainers.

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The problem was not the people, it was the business and the money they lost.

Do you want to fix the token? that instead of giving you gold, should gives you non-tradable resources. For example, unique and non-tradable flasks, potions, and foods that are at the same level as what crafters can make.

Surely someone else comes up with a better idea but basically the thing would be that the Token does not give you something transactable with which you can affect the internal market and therefore end up becoming a form of P2W.

My personal opinion on this:

I agree playing and having fun is the all the reward a player should need.

I think the reason players believe they need or deserve to be rewarded for every act is because the game conditions them to that idea by giving out rewards for every act, even insignificant ones like walking two feet from one NPC to another.

Think Pavlov’s dogs.

From: Are all casual solo players supposed to quit on - #239 by Silverleigh-drakthul

I’m sorry, I believe you asked me to show where WoW allowed you to have an advantage for money.

Is gold an advantage or not?

Not really. Anything you can get with gold, by design, someone else already got. Not really an advantage…