Boosting is literally Pay to win

To be fair, the argument here is it’s about the time it takes to get to 58 since in TBC, it still took a considerable amount of time to hit 58.

But imo, with the limitations they’re putting on it and the fact that they’re TBC centered servers, it’s fine and I’m definitely buying one.

Issue is progressing is locked.

If you get full bis from the raids before the next tier opens up, and the boosted toon and the leveled toon meet at the same point, why does it matter if 1 got their before the other?

That’s the biggest thing, the anti boosters think this is a racing game and the first to do something means they “win”.

If phase 1 is 4 months I’m betting any person who plays an average amount of time will be capped out on gear until phase 2. Meaning that both sides ended up at the same spot.

Being first doesn’t mean you win anything, this is a mmo, it’s about having fun.

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I’m not asking about a level 58 vs a level 1, both a boosted level 58 and a non-boosted level 58 have an advantage over a level 1.

What advantage does a boosted level 58 have over a non-boosted level 58?

I would say a significant amount of less time played. That’s the advantage.


Play time is irrelevant, what advantage in-game does one have over the other.


Good god man, after catching up on this thread all I can think is, how do you get through a regular day if this is how you react to something like this happening in a video game??


theres zero in game advantage besides time spent playing. either you got the time or you got the money. theres NO advantage tho as far as playing the game goes.

Leveling boosts should have never been in the game in the first place.

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says the only person ive seen level 10 on the forums. you could use one my dude

Kids these days…

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Ah, how the goalposts shift

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On a PvP server, he get’s unfair advantage through getting stronger much faster and being able to gank other people who didn’t get this unfair advantage. This is so simple, are you being intentionally obnoxious?


But there are already level 60’s who are much more geared. This is so simple, are you being intentionally obnoxious?

?? What does those guys have to do with the hypothetical? Sorry about your low IQ, but I don’t think you understand this hypothetical scenario.


Yes they’re intentionally being oblivious because they don’t want to admit it’s a huge advantage.


This is my favorite post in the whole topic.

“Yes it’s pay2win, but that’s fine”



Your trying to force the mindset of 58 compared to lvl 1.

But that the wrong equation. It should be 58 vs the average of everyone’s main character.

And with classic being out for 2 years, that average puts it at 60. With hundreds if not thousands of gold, raid gear, exc.

So it’s not really a pay to get ahead. It’s a pay to help you catch up. It is a catch up option.

Your trying to force this idea that the boost should be compared to a lvl 1. This would be a proper comparison if tbc classic was all fresh server, which it is not.


The boost will allow several of my friends coming back to WoW just to play TBC.

Thank you Blizzard for this opportunity! We’ll cross the Dark Portal together and conquer Outland!

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You’re the one intentionally not reading and answering questions that aren’t being asked. Actually read what I wrote.

Answer the question being asked.

Easy, the non boosted character had to invest at least hundreds of hours more into the game to get to where the boosted character is. That’s an extremely unfair advantage. With those hours the boosted character can leverage his unfair advantages even further, and all he had to do was use his mom’s credit card. Lmao@ low IQ boosters.

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