Boosting is literally Pay to win

That’s the entire point.

Shadowmourne is END-endgame gear, not a levleing weapon you pick up 10 levels before the cap.

Would it though? Is that not exactly the same as buying a 58 boost? You’re paying for the advantage of smashing any content from level 1 to 58?

Meanwhile the poor person has to gain experience manually because they’re poor.

Thats how we feel about you when you start typing.

Doesnt change my point which you ignored.

The boosted toon and the leveled toon will meet and be equal, because this isnt a racing game. Its time locked progression.

It’s the SAME exactly thing.

Being able to catch up has no bearing on this discussion what so ever.

Be it level 58 or end game BIS gear.

Please explain to me how a boosted 58 functions any differently than a non boosted 58.

It took 10 days less played time.

Checkmate. You lose

And that wasn’t the question.

Pro tip not everyone has exactly the same /played time to 58.

Nahhhhhhhhhhh don’t think so

PFFFFFTTTTT, it is not. It is literally not.

Starting gear and Endgame gear are two completely separate things. I really shouldn’t have had to tell you that.

Make up your mind.

Thats still going to be bis in under 4 months in my example rofl.



It took 10 days less played time.

Check mate. You lose

Delusional pay2win enthusiasts.

Pro tip I wasn’t asking how much played time they had.

I Asked how a boosted 58 function any differently than a non boosted level 58.

Looks like you need a boost.

Imagine hiding.

It’s all pay2win.

Just come to peace with it bro, stop lying to yourself.

Imagine thinking the boost isn’t pay2win.

Imagine lying to yourself that hard.

Pro tip, 10 days played time is the difference

You got gold?

You need to buy some stocks runs?

15g/5 runs, let me know.

Got plenty of 60s thanks champ.

The will still both be bis before phase 2 of TBC.

Almost like they are equal.