Boosting is literally Pay to win

There’s plenty of evidence that botters and gold farmers have negatively affected the economy on classic servers, but you haven’t seen it probably because you don’t even play the game.

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And what proof do you have that they purchase boosts?

Yea. And there is zero evidence that a bot would buy a boost.

Why would they play blizzard money when they can level in less then 3 days?


The main issue with the level boost will be from the bots. There was an extremely large banwave on Pagle a while ago, and we definitely felt it in the economy. With a level 58 boost, every single bot will be using this boost to immediately get back to making stacks of gold. The time to spin up a new bot will be negligible, and Gold will be flooding the market.

I also disagree with the boosts from an authenticity standpoint.

Whether the boosts are p2W is simply based on your viewpoint of P2W, as have all arguments P2W been in the past.

If you think giving someone a few weeks of head start is P2W, then that’s P2W for you. If it isn’t P2W for you, then it isn’t.

His point is that the people who utilize the boosts are getting an advantage over someone who doesn’t. And he’s right. The benefit isn’t enormous, and it’s basically just saving time in the short run. In the long run it won’t matter for actual players who are playing to win.

Really simple as that.

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Exactly the point. Ratlord is making a connection between boosting and botting that does not exist.

The reality is that the two issues are not related, botters do not buy boosts when they can grind the 58 levels in a few days using other methods.

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Retail wow, where there are gold farmers that use boosted level 50 characters to farm gold. The only need to make more money from the gold than the initial cost for it to be worth it.

Yea. That’s because a boost comes free with the account.

So the boost is free with expansion purchase, effectively.

Boosts in TBC will never be free.

Based on evidence we’ve seen in the actual game, it takes weeks for the bots to catch back up to a ban.

And there is a difference here, TBC is a paid boost, on retail, you get a free boost with every expansion. So if the botters have to buy the expansion anyways, and they get a free boost, why not use it.

TBC will not have a free boost option so your point is again irrelevant.

Finally someone who actually plays Classic.

Yea. That’s in classic which… guess what?boosts aren’t allowed… /facepalm.

TBC nerfs old content where that’s no longer the case (at least until 58).

People on this forum really struggle with logic.

So you spend $40 or whatever on retail to get lvl 50 character that can make you more than $40 back, how is this not the same thing?

If the boost costs $40 on classic and they can make more than that from it, why wouldn’t they? And it will affect the server economy negatively if they are able to do this.

A). 40$ isn’t for clsssic. It’s for TBC.
In TBC you can level to 1-58 in 1-2 days played.

Using scripts to level will 100% be more profitable than paying 40$ you can’t recover.

You also make gold leveling.

“That is not how this work, that is not how any of this works”. I have neither the energy nor inclination to continue this discussion with a brick wall.

1-2 days played? LOL. Are we talking world record pace?

If this is true, then there’s literally no point to you even being here and arguing this.

You’re taking about bots right?

That can run automated leveling scripts with the most effecient paths?


No you lack the mental capacity to come up with an argument that isn’t full of holes.

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Question. Do you play Classic? Do you actually KNOW how long it takes to reach max level, even grinding?

Yep that’s it exactly, you win…