Boosting is healthy for the game

Something seems insconsistent to me is that you’re okay with blizzard charging a subscription fee and a price for the game, but a paid boost is crossing a line? Explain that threshold.

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I consider Black Temple boring content after clearing it 50 times for a chance of warglaives. Calling anything boring and irrelevant is an entirely subjective statement, as you well know. Same thing with calling anything “The point of the game” I mained a warrior and nobody called getting a thunderfury (another legendary) “the point of the game” People play games for different reasons! Wow what a shocker!

Secondly, I think boosting to level 58 instantly is a significant power increase and an advantage over someone stuck at level 1 because they can’t afford paying microtransactions - so I’m not seeing any differences with buying warglaives.

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Blizzard charging a subscription to log into the servers provides a pay wall to remove those not interested in the game. If you pay money to log in, you’re immediately more invested in your time spent here and that dramatically raises the commitment level versus a game without a subscription where people can come and go and pay to win as they see fit. A subscription creates a barrier so those in game are all, all-in together.

Charging for a boost is a shameless cash grab that piggybacks off the communitys wrong doings. Blizzard is saying 1-60 doesn’t matter. They aren’t creating an atmosphere to add value in to the entire game. They’re saying you can pay for the boost or you can play an mmo that’s a ghost town between 1-60.

Instead of rectifying that issue, they corner you and put a price tag on salvation. They create the problem and let the community abuse it, and then they capitalize on it. It’s all in effort to continue milking the cash shop retail crowd that has taken foothold in classic.

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Aren’t you just a bundle of sunshine. Everything will be fine. There are people out there with jobs and school and families and lives and it might be better for them to buy a boost instead of having to find the time to level up that alt or new main over a month or two.

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I feel where you are coming from but I want to confess: I boosted for the sole reason of logging on with an old friend to do crazy things on the portal release day – and for the benefits Deluxe offers for returning, non-vanilla, TBC players.

My 58 is rotting in Thrallmar, and may die there.

I in no way felt cornered by Blizzard to do it, because I wanted to get to Stonard to enjoy the portal – nobody forced me to do that, and in fact, would likely judge my spending motivations.

Bottom line: the deluxe boosts are for suckers like me who spend money on things that matter more to nerds like me than an extra pair of nice shoes or something like that.

This is a legit concern. However, my alts will be living in this very chill place for quite some time. And I understand others will not want to be so patient.

Fixed, and I’m guilty for buying Deluxe. True.

WRONG. Guess where I am right now. I am in classic era, running around with friends in Stranglethorn Vale. We just helped a dwarf put his book back together.

If you can’t see the difference between skipping irrelevant levels and just buying current endgame gear then it’s clear you have no intention of having an actual discussion and are just trying to get a rise out of people

“But leveling is still relevant to me don’t tell me how to play!” Great! Enjoy your leveling then! Someone else buying a boost doesn’t impact that for you, in fact if you want to go a step further there are even boost-free Classic Era realms for you to enjoy Vanilla to your heart’s content! Imagine that, options for everyone instead of just excluding people who didn’t like Vanilla because your feelings are hurt and making extremely skewed comparisons!

I’m done arguing with you people. The boost is here and the game didn’t explode because of them, get over it

blizzard never give a proper solution to any problems.
-when people are buying leveling boosts? blizzard decided to sell a lvl 58 boosts
-when people are buying gold from 3rd party sites? Blizzard will introduce tokens for easy/safe gold purchase.
-when many people are getting gear via Gdkp? blizz might sell the gear later at one point.

Blizzard failed to save original WoW, because in a distance past? this game started to be empty & cold, most players treat wow now as if it’s offline game/dress up game, Wow Classic is following the same fate except it’s faster to die & worse for enjoyment.

I’m playing BC and loving it and I don’t even have retail on my computer.

I have been playing WoW, in some form or another, since F&F Beta. I did not like Vanilla, sue me. I played it, leveled a Pally and Hunter to 60 and Raided with the Hunter. I just didn’t like it.

Enter TBC. Loved it, a lot. I continued playing through all expacs up to SL where I finally said enough is enough.

When Classic was announced, I supported it but had no intention of playing it (and I didn’t). I supported it because I felt certain that TBC and very likely WotLK would follow. Those are my 2 favorite expacs of them all (MoP is a close third, go figure).

Turns out I was correct. So I boosted a Druid to play my (hopefully) 2 favorite versions of WoW. I play a Critchicken quite well, shoot me an invite if you want a smooth ride and see.

If I am solely responsible for breaking the game, I don’t even apologize and suggest you get over it. It’s just a game, perspective is critical people, and I am having a blast playing an old favorite very unapologetically.

Hang on, lemme just post my response to this thread in a new thread. I need more attention

Or, you know, we have a job and a life which doesn’t revolve around this game? Not everyone is unemployed and in their teens/twenties anymore.

Having a boost helps people (like myself) be able to experience the game and still play the newer content.

I leveled two toons from 1-60 manually and it took me almost an entire year for one of them due to time constraints and limitations on my time to play.

I have zero regret in boosting a toon and hope they allow for more.

You’re entitled to your opinion, but your opinion is wrong and more choice words not appropriate for these forums.

If it took you an entire year to level 1-60 due to time constraints then maybe you should realize that you’re probably not in a position to play an MMO game anyways, at least not Classic.

The real grind in TBC doesn’t even start until you hit 70, leveling is the least of anyone’s worries.

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I’ve had my account since 2006 and played since 2004 back when I was roomies with two other dudes where we all shared an account.

I now work 50+ hours a week (sometimes more depending on mandates) and have a relationship. If that means I shouldn’t play (which I’m lol’ing at) then too bad. I still stand by my statement in how boosts help those like me to be able to enjoy a game we’ve played for years.

Looks like boosting had absolutely no effect on the game, everything is great.


For anyone who wishes to level up a character from scratch, for any reason, and I’m sure there are many people like this whether you want to admit it or not, boosting directly negatively impacts their experience as they will struggle to find people for group quests and dungeons. Especially for new players.

You can play the game with your friends from level 1.
also newsflash the content from 1-58 is not the same as it was in vanilla, and nobody should be able to just pay money to skip it. It’s still part of TBC, even Wrath brought changes to the 1-58 content. It’s supposed to be an integral part of the game as a whole.

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It’s supposed to be an integral part of the game as a whole.

No it’s not. Even in og TBC Blizzard knew it wasn’t going to be which is why they made the vanilla leveling process an even more solo affair than it was before. And this was the developers who had yet to see the actual impact new expansions had. The reality, as we now know, is that as soon as a new expansion releases content from previous expansions becomes a tutorial at best. The old expansions only remained as relevant as they did (which was not very) because of a constant influx of new players throughout Wrath.

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OMG are you all still dragging this dead horse down the road?
jeeezzzzz you all need to give it a rest for once.

You couldn’t be more wrong.

They were still tweaking low level items, adding new rewards and changing dungeons all the way through Wrath of the lich king. The low level content is part of the game, I don’t understand where you get this idea that 1-58 was irrelevant in TBC, or that 1-68 was irrelevant in WOTLK

A good example of this would be them adding a weapon reward in place of the standard quest item mallet of zul’farrak. Which ended up becoming a favorite twink item in the 30-39 bracket. This was a change added in WOTLK

My guess is you’re a retail player that got used to the way Blizzard treated old expansions post cataclysm. low level content in vanilla through wrath was mostly still balanced and an integral part of World of warcraft.

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