Boosting Group Scam

I pay to play this game. Amazes me that others want to pay their way to not play this game. But hey, it ain’t my bank so do as you will!

but carries aren’t the only things you can buy with the gold from tokens??

when i start an alt on a new server i buy a token so i can immediately buy gear and legos and consumables. yes, i could make the gold the old fashioned way, but why wait?

They don’t say nothing will be done about it just that you won’t get your gold back.

They will take the gold from the scammer, and action them.

This is older but the first that popped up for me when googling it, but covers scams as a whole.

for the record
what should be the going price for something like this, this late into not only the season, but an xpac’s life?
like if someone i don’t know is like 300k
is that kinda sus?

Yeah idk if I trust what that particular CM has to say after he said defending pvp ovjectives is inactivity and reportable

Trust me, this one assumption said by the other guy is not completely off lol. On my main and my DH alt, i’ve participated in a lot of keys up to 20s, and at one point in a 18 key, i found a hunter with high io and even timed 20s who had no idea what “tranq shot” was. The assumption is a lot more accurate than you’d think. Some people do purchase KSM or AoTC so they can get accepted into groups. That’s how you end with really bad stinkers who have KSM/AoTC yet performs on same level as a LFR player or sometimes even worse.

Ask a top end guild most CE guilds will be selling mounts by now so just ask around for best price.

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I can’t imagine any guild be willing to sell it for lower than say a million or maybe two, the way this tier worked with sales is many guilds frontloaded their sales when it was still very expensive (first price was 5 mil) and we sorta stopped when it dropped below 3 to start getting mounts for the rest of the guild.

Like Youngerr said though, you’ll be fine if you just look at WoWprogress on your server and have a look at the top 5 guilds and dm someone from the guild speficially. I would caution against purchasing off server.

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Would be pretty rewarding growing your own food, but I bet your parent(s) buy pre-processed food from a store.

People that get carried are looking for something specific from the encounter(s); gear, mount, title, etc… Do not try and make it seem like those people are doing it give a false sense of accomplishment.

Like when you eat your food from the store, you don’t sit there lying to yourself about how satisfying it is to grow your own food.

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